At first look this would seem to be messy and very hard to play on. But, maybe that is just me. I love the sun and volcano, the waterfall is nothing new. 4/5.
I love the idea of the sun! the ruggedness of the map looks like an actual volcano. Looks fun to play on!
I like it but the volcano looks wierd. So heres my review. Aesthetics: Well it looks good, but can deftinately be better. The volcano looks sloppy, and it doesn't look very playable. It looks very quickly made in the "rugged terrain" areas, and like you didn't plan it out at all. So, a 6/10. Originality: Well, its not a very original map either, seeing as there are many volcano and waterfall maps, and yours don't look as good as others. It could deftinately have been more original, so a 4.5/10. Overall: I have to say I didn't like this map too much. Its very unoriginal, doesn't look playable as you said it was, and it looks pretty bad. Overall is a 5.25/10. -The golden Review
This really does remind me of a volcano, the whole messily set terrain and the little river make it like a tropical island.. in the middle of a warehouse.
damn you and your evil ways. two hidden soccer balls and five hidden cones. I was going to dl it earlier just 'cause it looked cool but now I have to or I'll never be able to sleep again in constantly wondering where those cones and soccer balls were... and I also like volcano maps.
This map is quite awesome. 4.5/5. This map kinda reminds me of the map tunnel rats (The surface, the waterfall, Underwater Grotto, etc. ) One thing this map needs... Tunnels! JK Anyway, you have my DL. The only thing I don't like is the interlocking done.
Nice. I'm tired of seeing a bunch of houses and mansions, and square things in General. Glad you did something a little more abstract. 4.5/5 -Vivian
I hate sounding like a ****, and im not trying to, but this map looks like garbage. Any 9 year old could merge a bunch of boxes together and call it a volcano. But i did like the sun that you made, i bet you spent more time on that than you did the volcano lol. I'll DL and post a real review because you cant judge a book by its cover. But from the looks, this didnt take much time or skill at all.
I love the volcano! I think its a nice change from other maps .. And the sun is a nice touch .. I like the waterfall too but many people use them so its nothing special anymore ... Nice joB!