I have worked hard to get these pics some of them such as the ones on the covenant ar3e almost intractable. Don't try this at home kiddies. Feel free to post your picks. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=RtG Swimmer FS
Nicely done. How'd you get the DaVinci code one? I've gotten out of Sandtrap before but never seen that.
You could have just downloaded the videos from the million of people that do this and taken screenshots... -Donuts
well the building made of letters has never been done before. I garuntee I did all these by myself but not all of them were found by me.
no its out of Sierra 117, I need two people to be with me in a screenshot for the new out of the ark glitch I found so first two to say they want to be in it will
it was really hard to do and no matter how hard I try I cant seem to get there. All it is is a building and the inside has all that code its what desighners use to create texture in a game
i think you said you needed two people for another screenshot....not sure cause no one resonded to that but if you do i'll help you out. lol i'm a bit confused about that. and how did you get that warthog on the pit?
actually yes I did but I got some people already sorry. Ya as for the hog it took a while Ill post a video later
ok its cool, if you ever need anyone just send me a message or something and i'm in. ok cool i'll check back to see when its up. thanks.
alright I did the video today but its a half an hour video and thats just the first part so Ill do it again this afternoon and post it
I find it funny that the Da Vinci Code Easter Egg is there, because I am actually the person who found it, and me and my friend named it the da vinci code easter egg.