Rock band has a tremendous amount of DLC, I think around 200 or more. I myself have downloaded about 35 songs, but I think there should be some type of request form or box on the rock band page that lets us submit songs we would like to see, then Harmonix takes the most demanded and makes it happen. I personally would like to see some slipknot, because of there bad ass drums, butt rape guitar solos, and because they are one of my favorite bands. Tell me, what songs you would like to see, and do you agree there should be a request form/box???
I would want Duke Nukem Theme by Megadeth, The Trooper by Iron Maiden and Wish You were Here by Pink Floyd.
Chapter 4 beast and the harlot bat country unholy confessions sidewinder all above are done by Avenged Sevenfold blood on out hands - death from above 1979 comatose - skillet crazy train - OZZY Godzilla - blue oyster cult exs and ohs - Atreyu uhhh thats it for me
More Black Tide. Love them. I'd also die happy if they got the DethAlbum up for DLC. little more Iron Maiden (less radio stuff, please), more Black Sabbath, some Children of Bodom, Scorpions, Queen (the vocals would be a pain, though), and some more Offspring (the Smash Album would rule).
they allready have that song i would want there to be..... hmmm..... underOATH- when the sun sleeps and or underOATH- reinventing your exit. maybe even underOATH- a boy brushed red living in black and white. underOATH- when the sun sleeps underOATH- reinventing your exit underOATH- a boy brushed red living in black and white.
Oh, anything by ****. I can imagine some the only really exciting parts would be for the bass and drums, but it would still sound amazing.
Best band ever. See my answer for their screaming songs below though. Well there can't be any real screaming heavy songs in Rock Band. Doesn't work out well at all, and is no fun for the people singing. This saddens me because there are some really cool songs out their that have screaming in them.
My friends know Im a huge LP,MCR and Killers fan. I think they ha d A Killers song already but maybe Mr.Brightside, Under The Gun, Sam's Town. As for MCR: DEAD!, Famous Last Words, Im Not Okay, Hang Em High, Its Not A Fashion Statement Its A Deathwish, You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison?, I Never Told You What I Do For A Living. LP: Numb, Papercut, Behind Your Lies, Given Up, What I've Done, Forgotten, And thats what I want =)
Yeah, I'd love for that to be DLC, too... Because then I wouldn't be forced to play that nonsense! /witty
I would love a Bullet for my valentine pack or bring me the horizon .. Some more of Avenged Sevenfold would be epic .. More iron maiden! DragonForce! Alter Bridge! So many which i would love =]
I'd like some more Slayer, but the lyrics are too "mature" to make it onto a T game I would guess. Which means some of the best Slayer songs couldn't be on DLC (New Faith, Dead Skin Mask, Cult, etc). Other than that, some Venom (Bloodlust, Raise the Dead) and Exodus (Impaler & Strike of the Beast) would be cool to see. Oh yeah, and Pantera would be awesome.
in chapter 4 theres singing and in the background theres screaming and in unholy confessions i think he screams for like 20 secs in total for the whole song now any of there songs from sounding the seventh trumpet would be a bad idea
Muse pack would be awesome. Doesn't matter which song, just ones that aren't in GH already. I also love Rise Against, and any of their songs would be great too. They aren't too complicated, but they would be fun to play. Oh, and Last Resort. I think that would be one of the best songs for a full band game!
I've heard that the Harmonix dudes are looking into having songs up for DLC tagged as "explicit". Should they go through with the idea, we could be seeing a door opened for more music from less family-friendly artists. Could be neat. Also, being DLC and not on-disk songs, heavy screaming sessions wouldn't be a big worry. They'd be awkward to make a vocal chart for, but since there's a song demo and you can choose to buy the song, that could be up to the user.