Heres A Really Fun Team Slayer Map I Recently Created!! PLZ COMMENT!! AND D/L heres the pics of it: fortress A: Inside Fortress A Fortress B: Inside Fortress B: the ground: LINK TO DOWNLOAD: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
seems pretty basic and unapealing, you could interlock it a little neater, but i know thats its hard to do it when its in the air, the bottom part is also boring, don't bunch vehicles like that, and maybe add more cover, and seems like you could just escape the map. any questions
avalanche is a very big map, so you would probably get a big budget and some interesting forge items. If your going to make a v2 of this, i have a few ideas. You could make the bases bigger, fixing the bridges, making the ground on the platforms even and put some more vehicles. 3/5 keep forging.
id interlock it better, not so many weaps right next to eachother, mabey add more to map in the sky get rid of the bottom vehichs and random stuff, this mpa looks made for like 20 people, not 16
well trust me version 2.0 is looking wayyy better than this and yes theres interlocking and more weapons and suprises