Mt. RUSH MORE!! Made by GrabThaTech420 IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!! In the game variant it got switched so that Zombies and Alpha Zombies cannot pick up equipment. I will update it on the link ASAP but for people who have already downloaded it, just know that that needs to be switched. Sorry for the inconvenience and this will be updated TODAY, September 1st. Once again, i appologize, stupid mistake. Here's the link:MAP: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here's the link:GAMETYPE: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing NOTE: The soccer balls do damage to the Zombies lowering their health making them a bit easier to kill and the Barrels that are up there just slow them down. And yes, it is pretty hard to dodge the objects because of how slow the zombies move. And yes, the zombies still take a while to kill so its not just easy kills the whole time. Alright, for starters, i made this map with somewhat of the idea of Purple Bunker in mind the whole time. It has the same sort of idea in mind when playing. Except, instead of the zombies rushing up to the the bunker, they start at the bottom of a sort of "Mountain" that they need to run up, all while humans knock objects down at them. And this time their not invincible. Also, the humans have more than just a needler, they also have their always trusty BR at their side. Also, their free to leave the top of the "mountain" although i wouldnt advise it, seeing as it leaves you down there to get infected. Also, like Purple Bunker, their is Equipment that spawns on this mountain to help you out such as Deployable Covers (to block the objects), Regenerators (keep zombie shields up), Flare (to blind the humans from shooting you) and Bubble Shields (to block the human bullets.) But, not all of them spawn at the start, you have to wait for most. Also, after two minutes of the round, a Door will spawn in the middle to help deflect objects from hitting you on your way up. Zombie Traits: Swords 300% Damage Resistance 4x Overshields 25% Speed 150% Gravity Alpha Zombies shields regenerate at 110% Humans: BR and Needler Infinite Ammo Objects to push down on zombies 25% Speed 200% Gravity Forced color: Red Last Man Standing: 200% Damage Additional 2 points for being Last Man From bottom of mountain View from the top This game is tons of fun, and trust me, if you like Purple Bunker, then you will absolutely LOVE this game. Thanks to Bl00d F1re for helping me think of the idea of this game. Please DL and let me know what you think! Here is the links again incase you missed them: Map Variant: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Variant: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
wow, this actually looks really fun, how affective are the soccer balls, and how come you don't have a needler. also, it looks very well made, especially the ramp, but why didn't you flip the bridges.
Use some interlocking and flip the boxes on their sides so we see the bottom, will make the map look alot smoother. ^^ game play looks good i guess, though the traits may need some tweaking, zombies moving that slow just make them easy targets. 4/5
Rating:3/5 I get the idea for the map. And i think it is good but it could use some improvement. First the questions. Are the balls used to kill the zombies? If not what are they used for? Is it hard for them to dodge the items? Is it easy? Ok now i think i have some improvements. you could add objects to make the balls bounce around randomly and a return system.
lol i love the idea, soccer balls dont really pack a punch usally when they just roll. you should make a v2 of this map. 4/5 keep forging
well.... what do we ahve here? another purpl bunker knock off? lets investigate and find out searching...... searching...... this loks like a nice twist on purple bunker, not all thatorigional, buthas original elements in it do the balls and bins really knock back the zombies? mabey not the neatest best looking map ever, might want to flip boxes and bridges
Nice nice, i like the idea even though its similar to purple. The hill adds kind of a feeling of supiority while also making you feeling blocked in, as if every last thing on earth has chased u to the highest peak in the world. 5/5 and downloaded, keep up the good work
looks good. but it doesnt seem original cough (purple bunker, fat kid) cough. nice atempt. like the idea of the falling objects though