How to Become Popular in High School

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Y35 <3, Aug 31, 2008.

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  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    How to Become Popular in High School

    High School is probably a living hell for some (if not most) students. Here is my definitive guide to becoming the most popular person on campus.
    Let me start off by saying however, I was NOT apart of the “popular crowd”. However, I wasn’t a part of the “geek crowd” either, as a matter of fact, I wasn’t apart of ANY crowd, I was just ME. I never cared to become, or even attempted at reaching a level of popularity at that time in my life, I had the wisdom and the foresight to realize that no matter how popular one may become, it doesn’t mean squat in the real world.
    The social status is certainly achievable, and with a little manipulation, it is definitely possible to reach this position yourself. This is how I would have done it if I actually *did* care about becoming popular.
    While it may be true that trends and fads change over time, and every high school throughout the world is different (I’ll be the first here to admit that I don’t know what the international school levels are, so I’m speaking from the American perspective.), the foundations of the plan undoubtedly remains the same.
    First Step: Know the Playing Fields and Understand the Collective Groups of Peers

    This is crucial, without knowledge of your peers and your high school settings, you’ll get nowhere. The guide I’m writing here won’t turn you into a popular student overnight, it will take proper planning and a few weeks (or months, depending on your current status) of scoping the and analyzing your potential strategies.
    The first investigation involves the various groups available. Recognize your targets and make sure no one suspects your reconnaissance work:

    1. The Jocks = Athletic, always discussing last night’s game with their fellow teammates and coaches, are often intimidating
    2. The Social Butterflies = Always talking, making friends with just about anyone, and attend every social event the school offers
    3. The Intelligent Ones (Non-Nerds) = Eloquent within their academic circle, yet smart enough not to associate themselves with the outcasts of the system
    4. Other = Any other group that may be known either specifically to your school region or may have been ‘missing’ from this list
    Step Two: Choose A Group and Plan
    After an adequate amount of time has passed, the time comes where you have to choose a group and formulate a covert strategy.
    TIP: Be sure you Pick a Group You Can Be Good At! You know you don’t belong in the athletic group if you only weigh 85 pounds and can’t even complete the mile run.
    Some ideas to keep in mind as you develop your plan include:

    • Start off small. You don’t want to rush into crazy events such as mooning everyone at the next pep rally or something similar. You’ll give your position away too early.
    • Don’t hold back. This roller coaster ride of a plan will involve making friendships, destroying hearts, betrayal, and even subtle manipulation of events. The inevitability of the lack of emotional distraught means it would be wise to train yourself both physically and psychologically, and not grow too attached to any specific person or peer group.
    • Be sure to cover all your bases. Missions rarely go according to the written game plan, so it is of the utmost importance that you have every possible angle covered, the shifting of original steps on the spot, and the calculation of every precise point in your overall strategy as you plan to dominate the battlefield of High School.
    Next Step: When you feel Ready and Confident Enough, Craft and Execute your Plan
    After careful timing and consideration, the time comes to set your ultimate goal in motion.
    Remember, most teenagers are easy to manipulate, not the kids themselves exactly, but ranking highly among the social hierarchy of the school shouldn’t be too difficult of a task. Just about every school has one, and be aware that you are going to have rivals.
    Don’t backstab your competitors immediately, it is important to have allies and improvising tactical advances in the Art of War is a necessity. You will get nowhere in this field of combat if you decide to go at it entirely alone.
    The Fourth Step: Earn some Thought Out and / or Crazy “Popularity Points”
    Popularity Points (PP) can be useful to raise your awareness of your current status during the school year. While these spcific numbers aren’t set in stone, they don’t apply everywhere, as specific groups require different point values. So use these approximate numbers to your advantage, where 0 PP means you’re the biggest loser on campus, and 100 PP means you’re Ruler of the High School:

    • 2 PP = Earn an after-school detention, Attend the Pep Rally, Crack a witty joke in front of a crowd (+1 if during a class)
    • 5 PP = Get a date and / or enter a relationship ( +5 if they’re at least somewhat popular), Start a fight, Score the winning point(s) at the end of the game in your respective sport
    • 10 PP = Receive straight A’s for a whole year, Purchase and show off an automobile, Host a party at your home (-5 if your parents catch you)
    • 25 PP = Win a prestigious title such as Homecoming King (or Queen), Win a Sports Championship, Sleep with a teacher
    • -5 PP = Act like a ***** and back away from a challenge, break down in the middle of the hall, join the chess team or computer club
    If you suck at mathematics, don’t use the above system I laid out, instead follow the guidelines, but go with your gut (or better yet, don’t even attempt to become popular, you can’t get to the top without knowing a little math).
    It is also important to NOT repeat each point-earner. Spread out where you decide to earn points. Some people might find it a tad suspicious if you enter twenty relationships throughout the year, they’ll perceive you as a ****.
    And the Final Step: Remain at the top until you no longer wish to
    (If you haven’t obtained at least 100 PP in one year, go back to step four and try again.)
    Now you’ve done it, you’ve climbed to the top the social mountain, congratulations!
    Is it everything you’ve expected it to be? Are you truly happy with your current status as Champion of your High School?
    Perhaps it becomes boring at the top, you may feel lonely up there, or there’s just too much attention for you to handle; whatever the reason is, bow out with grace. It is very easy to lose your status on top of the ladder, and difficult to regain that special status.
    Whether you are happy at the top or not, as one final piece of advice, remember just how much this means to yourself and your friends (and just how much the rest of the world actually cares about it).
    drak likes this.
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Im not super popular, but about half the school knows meand that's really good for my school. I have gotten suspensions, detentions, fights, been to plenty of parties, and I have only had three girlfriends in my highschool. I moved so this was a totally different place and I had to start from scratch, starting freshman year. [/brag]
  3. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
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    zomg... you should have seen meh 16th b-day party... i had it at a friends house and there were so many people there... anywho, im popular and im not in a "clique"...
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This was just something i thought was funny,
    It seems now that if you drink and smoke you will make more friends
    and chances are you friends are starting (this is in Chicago)
    I dont smoke, but i do sell them when i grab a few :) mwa ha ha
  5. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    well,I'm not in high school yet,so do you think this systym will work in jr.high?
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Yea, The main thing is to get out there and make friends, always have you phone on and get out of the house
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    This 'system' does not work.

    Jesus, just by the question you asked, I can tell you are a ****** who is only pleased by his hands.

    Anyway, obviously if you can't get 'popular' in high school on your own, there is nothing desirable about your personality to be popular. :-/


    btw: Popularity, who cares? Being friends with everyone is better.
  8. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Pretty funny I think, but still pretty smart. I am going to be a freshmen, so hopefully I don't make enemies. Also that vinny person is probably jealous, because she never really fit in lol
  9. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I can tell that no one ever liked you.

    Because you are too stupid to realize I am a MAN.
  10. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    good tips i guess, i'm not really popular, but i'm friends with pretty much the most popular kid. i guess on a scale of 1 to 10, i'm a 7. which isn't bad. i play football, which is helpful, and although i don't start, my coach put me in at halftime on our first game, and on the first play in i got a sack. so after that, i stayed in for the rest of the game. and at practice, coach was paying more attention to me, and i might start now. well, that was a day in the life of stin
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Do you ever write anything yourself, Y35?

  12. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Everyone should now rate how popular they are in school.

    It is the only way.

    me: 1/1
  13. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    lol that was mean lol anyways this is the most stereotypical thing i have ever read high schools dont work like that IMO
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    A high school is a non linear equation. In order to determine your 'popularity' you'll need to know that Your initial budget, W, subtracted by your cost of 'popular' clothes, X, multiplied by the amount of friends you started off with, Y, divided by friends you lose by becoming popular Z, equals your popularity, A.

    ----- = A
  15. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    That's amazing, I'm glad you figured that out
    and i'm also glad i caused a big commotion lol
  16. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Now in-order to find out amount of True friends, it is also a non linear equation.

    Take A, multiply by the amount of money spent on weed/alcohol/other drugs/tobacco products, B, divide by total amount of time caught by police C, exponent amount of times caught by parents, D, and divide by friends who bail you out in order to stop Variables C and D equals, E, amount of 'True Friends'

    ---- = E
  17. V

    V Ancient
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    Wow the kid just asked a simple question, no need to blow up on him for the love of Christ. Although I do agree with what you said about not worrying about being popular.
    Again, work on not blowing up on people. Its a simple forum, no need to be a hard ass.

    But on the whole topic of popularity, screw it. It doesn't get you anything special in life. I'm not the most popular kid in the world and I'm perfectly happy. I used to be a two sport kid until I quit football and decided to focus on basketball and I saw who my real friends were. See I was a pretty descent lineman (offensive guard) but I'm not built to play guard and our teams isn't that good, and everyone has no respect for anyone out there (trust me I could go on its sooo pathetic) so I quit the team this year (I'm a sophomore) and a few people started giving me **** about it because we're worse now and quite frankly I don't care. I meet a few new people each day, I talk to the kids I already know a lot more. Generally, I have a nice bunch of friends now and I'm happy. No I'm not like the face of our high school or anything, and I don't have a girlfriend or anything but I'm perfectly happy with the friends I have. I've never had a girlfriend and I probably won't because while I'm a pretty cool kid and fun to be with, I'm kinda a genetic freak: I'm 15, I'm a sophomore, and I'm 6'7" and 230 pounds. Basically I'm a giant, I was the second tallest kid in my highschool as a freshman and I kinda tower down on most people (including my parents and there's no one tall in my family), and considering most of the girls at my school are rather short (the tallest girl in my class is probably below chin level to me), I'd look pretty goofy going out with someone like that and most girls don't give me the time of day. And I don't care what you say, having a boyfriend or a girlfriend does not make you cool or anything. I'm perfectly confident in myself to know that I don't need to verify my existence through a significant other.
  18. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    The equations would have been much easier than the story.

    Tell more.
  19. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    All I did to become popular is play football freshman year because teamates will like you better (including sophs, juniors, seniors - actually, works with any sport), you'll be more fit for a fight and girls. And also smoked some weed (might want to add substance to list) with some juniors which unlike they tell you at dare does make you cool. And yeah don't join anime clubs. If you know some kids on xbl at your school put your status to offline in early mornings and nights too so they wont know you don't have plans or a life.
  20. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    This the definition of "Sad, depressing, and my god becky, they're all nerds"

    seriously? a
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