Master Hand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Eyeless Sid, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Woah, I just joined a game with my friend coltman 87 a few minutes ago and he was playing this, and it was the first thing I saw when I logged on!

    I only played one round, but thats enough for me to point out how great it is with its wonderful looks and original gameplay. I don't have anything negative to say at all. Its just so neat and well made. How did you do it?

    Final Score: 5/5

    I'm definitely going to download it off my recent maps.
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  2. beastness

    beastness Ancient
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    wierd but cool.4/5
    Agamer and Eyeless Sid like this.
  3. TicTock

    TicTock Guest

    I love all the different ways to get on the Hand arena the launchers are cool and the star gate fits in very well. The over all design is unique as others have said but its also good for this type of game play I will get the slayer varient when you post that. :]
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yeah the eye laucher with the powere up core came from me not being able to interlock gravlifts into doulble boxes pluss after I did it it looked really cool with the white glow and the blue haze comming off the orb :]

    Yeah it has seemed the people I showed it to liked it enough to download it and play it with there friends. Thank you for your download stay tuned for the slayer varient called Hand brawl that I will be adding in the upcoming days [I have to work out some kinks before posting it.

    Yeah I needed players to have more than one way up so teleporter camping and teleporter blocking wouldn't become an issue so thats why I made the stargate a two way and I added the base lanchers so eachg team would have an equal chance to get on the hand safely. and thanks to all the other comments but please feel free to post possible improvements to my forging so I can inprove my skills. Thank you all~ Eyeless Sid
  5. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Super Smash Bros was amazing on the Nintendo 64, I've just played it at my sister's boyfriends house, it's so ****ing awesome!
    This map is greatly made, the hand is very neat aswell as the platform and surrounding buildings.
    Your Interlocking is great and I bet the gameplay is too!
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  6. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    I have seen this map before, except it was just the hand and one lift to get up top, it was played fiesta style and there were random falling vehicles... It was made by someone named Ferretness, unless thats you on a new account Ferret, then your ripping off someone elses map...
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  7. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Boo, this map sucks, booooooooooooooo.

    jaykay, lololololololol.

    Pins and needles, pins and needles. I guess I'm the only one who noticed that eyeless sid put an eye in his map?
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I gave Ferretness Credit in the post it should be high lighted. I asked him before working on the map if I could use the concept and exspand on it and he gave me privalages to work and remake his map and I did just that. Master Hand is the finished version of his test map that he never posted. He told me I could finish it and here we are now :]

    Update!: Slayer gametype added to the orriginal post check it out if you want to have some chaotic fun on Master Hand while playing the Hand brawler slayer varient :] Enjoy. A boss battle styled gametype is coming out in a jugganaunt gametype as my friend Demarco said I should do it but enjoy the two gametypes for it as for now :]
  9. NuclearNinja142

    NuclearNinja142 Ancient
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    This looks awesome I know my friend will flip for this...
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  10. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Wow, way to completely ignore my comment, sid. You always were a big meanie. :mad:
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  11. Hurricane

    Hurricane Ancient

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    Oh, wow. This is really nice, Eyeless Sid. The hand is perfect looking, and the stargat (even though it IS a stargate) is a nice addition. But I honestly do not get the side bases. No one will be inside them, they will just rush to the teleporters or go up the mancannons. Unless they spawn in there only. I would like that explained, please.
  12. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Well despite being a cool concept for a map. Overall this feels very imbalanced. It not only leans in favor of the high ground but also, when using the gametype, it leans towards the player who spawns with the best secondary. Same problem that fiesta always had. But map technique and execution is good so... 4/5
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yes some people said it was cool and I didn't ignore you lol.

    True but thats why there are alot of basses and cover if you find a relativly safe postion to hold out you can really do some damage in the slayer gametype in the koth varient its a team effort to win. Also its kinf\d of the idea of the map to try to make players want to fight on the hand so thats why there are better advantages on the hand. Its better gameplay if most of the fighting happens on the hand rather then in the basses this will make players less prone to spawn camp or kill enemies just leaving the basses. Yes the gametype is needed to really enjoy the map ,other wise issues might occur. The hand is the main areana sort of like they had in supersmash bros on the nintendo 64 you would have to push you enemies off the hand to win and the best place to fight would be the top platform or in this case the hand with the eye in the palm .Thank you for your point of view though sarge its nice to see you post on my map I still enjoy your map Hill Zone :]

    The basses are for the team koth mini game its really only used for spawning players in a safe place who here likes spawning into death especialy with the hand hovering over both bases. they can be used as anouther way onto the hand as well if the teleporter and launchers are covered I tried to make the map as fair as possible for both teams wheter they are on the hand or not. I tried to balance the game out but still keep in the fun factor as well nio point in playing a boring game.
    headlessbarbie likes this.
  14. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Finally you posted it!

    Since the beginning this map has been one of the most creative i have seen in a while, Everyone here creates these perfect maps, bases, towers, building, but common its a HAND for gods-sake
    I see alot of things i like in this map, first of all being the giant hand, i know you took alot of time to make it as perfect as it is and your hard work has payed off, i read through a few comments and it seems others share my idea.

    I also like your bases, and the interlocking involved in doing so, the walls look great and the launchers next to them really tops everything off, It seems you are really good with alligning walls to interlock.
    One thing i wish people could see is the top of the stairs, and how there are doors and windows (i think) interlocked to make it as smooth as the ground, Some other things i liked were the single boxes with the corner walls and the boxes interlocked with the crane, Just the small efforts to show your true forging abilities.

    One thing i also noticed was the lift from the hand to the platform, i like how its inside of a CP so its not visable.

    Overall i give this map somewhere around a 4.5/5
    The only thing i wish you would have done a little more in some geomerging around the bases to allow easier access to the top floors and the launchers.
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  15. Vivian

    Vivian Ancient
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    Wow, this could pass as an Aesthetic Map, the hand looks amazing, even if it is blocky because of the boxes. The platform in the palm just makes it better. The outer structures look nice too, but I doubt those are the focus of this map. Good job, 10/10.

    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  16. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I'am happy that you took the time to type that all up and yeah you were there when I was making alot of the map. I know I took tons of time trying to make the map neat but still there are some rough areas that I tried to fix but almost couldn't because of the item limit. You also knew that my budget glitch broke half way through Master Hands construction so you saw me have to tear the map appart to redo the glitch then watch me rebuild it. That was a hard thing to do but it paid off in the end. Also I will work on my geomerging as I need to because the geomerging is ok on this map but it could have been done in a few more areas.
    Yeah quite a fw people mentioned it should be a aestetic map but I wanted to make a mini game that looked good but played even better. And yeah the hand had to be blocky or half the size it is now th look rounded. And yes the center plat form and the glowing launcher the puts you through the center eye of the platform are cool and they fit in the gameplay. it serves as cover and a higher ground section so that the hand isnt just wide open area. The fingers can be used this way as well.
  17. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    I remeber playing this with you. This map is great and the most origional map ive seen (because of the giant hand lol). You did a great job on this map. Everything is nicely interlocked and done. The only thing I can recomend is geo-merging some objects to make it look nice but that would be just for show. You map has been DLed. I give this map a 4.5/5
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  18. WhiskyPete

    WhiskyPete Guest

    I like the KOTH version of the map because you have to push enemies out of the hills to kill them its pretty cool and I like how the hills are on each finger and the palm of thge hand.
  19. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    this map certainly is different. i'll give it that. the interlocking looks nice
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  20. Dog Bone

    Dog Bone Guest

    The thing I like most is not only that you made a hand but your gametypes are very well done and work well with this map. I had a party and we played the map and everyone had at least one thing they liked about the games. The fiesta settings work well with the damage resistance because you never know what a player will have as a starting weapon. The games seemed pretty even noe of my guests had any real hard times in finding out how to play it was pretty easy for new players too that jioned late to understand the game.

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