This was a map, that my friend, Madmattster created. I think it is amazing. It tests your physical and mental abilities. In case anyone is wondering, a Puzzle map is NOT the same as a Maze. A Maze, is running around aimlessly through a series of walls and other objects to "escape". A Puzzle map, is thinking/skillfully getting somewhere, such as a territory. Some commonly used Puzzle map puzzles are; hopping onto a mongoose/turret through a wall..killing yourself with a hidden grenade, riccoche'ing bullets off shield doors to destroy fusion coils that are blocking teleporters etc. etc. So anyways, here are the details. [ Link] ==GAME VARIANT REQUIRED== Description: This is a complex puzzle map created by Madmattster and behemoth1991. This puzzle map includes Mental and Physical challenging tasks. There is one checkpoint found throughout the puzzle map to reduce some frustration. This map took approximately 56 hours to make, test and perfect. There isn't much you can explain about a puzzle map, because that would just spoil the surprises! So, good luck! Screenshots and hints Spoiler Event 1-You appear to be trapped, start with what you have. Event 2-Down and up again. Event 3-Raise those knees, you will need a little bit of extra help. Event 4-Checkpoint! Event 5-Get a grip and don't look down. Event 6-You are given a tool, throw it away. Event 7-Be careful, your life is in jeopardy. Event 8-Good Path Event 8-Bad Path (part 2) Event 9-Don't leave this maze unprepared, collect all your materials before you leave. No Image Event 10-You're on your own. Good Luck! Note:This puzzle map can be completed without host, and you can have several people in the party, no cheating! (Such as double jumping or using each others bodies) Bonus: 2,500 microsoft points to the first person to complete the maze without dying more than 3 times! I apologize for not abiding the template. I have fixed it now, so hopefully everything is okay
this post is not up to forgehub standards please imbed your pics usng photobucket or image shack this thread will be locked in 24 hours if your do not comply resistnce is futile Edit: now that pics are up this map looks insanezizle nice getting out og the map and incorporating it into your puzzle, i always love the jumping on destructible objects over cashms (however its spelled!?!?!?)
You need to embed your picture's, but you did upload them to photobucket. Also this belongs in the mini game I think, but I think it's fine. Embeding Pictures: Since you already uploaded your pictures all you need to do is get your url link for it and put
Wow this maze looks pretty good. It looks difficult unlike some and it looks like it can be fun at the same time. Where were the first two pics taken? I can't tell. Fix up your post using embedded pics as stated above and you will be back on track in no time.
It looks as if it would be a harder puzzle, from the pics, I don't understand how you get from place to place, but then again, that is what a puzzler is about... :] This map took you along time to forge, but how the **** did you time it?! anywayz i might download with a better description, or thoughts. here's an idea before i go... If you make a V2 you should make your guy fall and try to land on a verticle power core, held up by weapon holders :]
The first one is the room where the teleporter leads to, from inside the base. The second one is outside the map. (Behind the base) No problem, I am very familiar with embedding images lol. I just wasn't aware that it was a "Must Have". Thanks anyways. By the way. I cannot take credit for this map. You see, my friend Madmattster created it. He made his account like 4 years ago, and has his dad's email etc. So, he doesn't know the pass etc, so he asked me to upload it etc. Although, I HAVE beaten the map etc. so if you need any tips/anything just ask