looks really clean but i cant really get an idea of the map. maybe put a overview with paint or somthing but good job from what i can see 3/5
I wish I could forge like that... my forge project isn't going as I planned. I really don't think a interlocked map makes it better, but it's cool. Like you can have a cool map that's not interlocked or a horrible map that is interlocked. 5/5
Wow, this looks really cool! I love the interlocking and biomerging. I like the look of the two bridges going in opposite directions and being iterlocked. 5/5 dude great job!
I'm edditing it tonight, fixing up the respawns, cleaning up the walls a little bit, maybe adding some cool aesthenics if I can think of any, you should check it out again tom when the new pics go up.
you made a 'hill'. thats awesome! this maps looks really clean. Ive seen the blinking red lightning in your sig like 20 times and been like "i need to check that map out!" but never got to it. ahem . . . i shall wait no longer. will get back to you after a run through. edit: guess ill wait for the updated version.
I've played it a good few times: perfect interlocking, bad layout. It's completely open, a spawnkill fest, and one team gets the sniper and can just sit at the sniper tower. First off, I'd maybe add walls to certain structures to wait behind, and have the sniper tower accessible from both sides.
Ah my fellow man, you are correct, thats one of the things i will be fixing up, better respawn points are being added, maybe some other structures, if anyone would like to hlelp out, tonight, or early tom, just giving me anything that could possibly be better, that would be awesome, PM me.
I won't be able to help you out, but I'm eager to see V2. Maybe look into a smooth lift design to the Sniper for the other side, and the spawns. With those fixed, I'd say this is feature-worthy.
tanks, I think Im gonna build some bridges up to the sniper tower from the hill, and I fixed spawns last night, I'm working on so many maps, and I need to finish the fixed version tonight, so i have a bit on my plate. +school and the summer reading I havent started =/
I like this map, it has great features and superb flow with the interlocking. My only qualm with this map is that it is too small for all but a 1v1, but I don't know if that is what you built that for, so I will pass no judgement. I would really love a similar map sizeable enough for 2v2 or more. Nice job, 4.5/5
Personal Review: Interlocking: 4/5 Layout: 3.5/5 Amount of Cover: 2/5 Aestheticly Pleasing: 3/5 Overall:3/5 Sorry if you feel like i wasnt fair but if you add more cover and myabe change the layout a bit more it will give a better flow to the map. Still a pretty good map, not great but good Overall feel of the map: From what i can see it looks like you need/should add more cover. looks like the sniper would just plainly own the whole game.
I really like how you went away from the direction of a circle or square and i can tell you planned this out quite a bit before you forged it. It's nice and small although im not sure about 8 sticky's could be a bit much. If your spawns really are messed up the use of respawn areas really helps. all in all 8.5/10
I really like it when I see more curvy map styles. It definitely gets rid of the foundry feel when maps do that. The only problem I see is that there might no be enough weapons on the map to satisfy a 4v4. You've got 9 weapons total there, and won't all be available at the same time. There'd be less opportunities to get a better weapon than the spawn weapon.
Yeah I fixed up the respawns, and I'm thinking of a way to add more cover, but its a pretty small map, soI think i might just leave it the way ti is, and take everyones advice to my next map, I have a couple going on so...
To start off my review will include what I like, don’t like, suggestions, elaboration for suggestions and the maps rating. What I like: Unique map structure. Map entirely enclosed. What I do not like. Map is small. Slight weapon imbalance. Not enough cover. Map structure imbalanced. Minor imperfections. Middle single box uneven. Small gaps on some outer walls. Fence walls uneven above sniper tower. Suggestions. Make sniper tower accessible from both sides. -Or- Make an opposing tower on the opposite side. Remove power drain. Add cover. (Doors, window panels) Remove sniper. Add a second level or catwalks. I like the idea of Bad posture, but some parts of the map need to be tweaked. I love the absolute difference of both sides of the map and how I am completely closed in on the map. Bad posture feels like a whole new world. However, Bad posture map structure allows one team a distinct advantage over the opposing team. This is the advantage of high ground. The sniper tower is a good point of interest (POI) and has Line of sight (LOS) over most of the map. This would be fine IF the opposing team had a similar POI with similar LOS. In addition, this would be fine if there was more than one path to the sniper tower. I am going to explain Movement progression (MP) here. MP can become complex in larger maps. However, simply put MP allows players to move throughout the map with provided cover towards a goal. The goal can be a power weapon, opposing player, teammate, or POI. Bad posture needs more cover to allow for MP toward the opposing team and power weapon. To make Bad posture feel bigger without actually expanding the map. Add Catwalks or a second level to the map! The map structure is good, but adding depth into the map makes it that much more fun and more ways to surprise your enemy! In addition, you can add a second tower like the sniper tower and add a floating platform to house the sniper. Overall I had a decent time playing Bad posture. Bad posture can improve drastically with some of the changes above. If you have any questions or need me to clarify anything. Please feel free to PM or message me via XBL. Below you will find a break-down of your maps score and my rating system. Below the rating is a breakdown of what my ratings total number means. If you continue to improve your map with major changes and would like my opinion on the new version. I will more than happily re-review your map. Your score: Fun factor: 5/10 Balance: 3/10 Visual: 6/10 Map ingenuity: 5/10 Map dynamics: 2/10 Score total: 21/50 Score break down. 1-10 Map needs major reworking. Including but not limited to: visual, gameplay, aesthetics, balance, dynamics, and originality. 10-20[FONT="] [/FONT]Map needs moderate work. 20-30[FONT="] [/FONT]Map needs some work. 30-40 Map needs to be tweaked. 40-45 Crazy good map. I get lost in your world. 45-49 Superb map. 50 Perfection. Aesthetically pleasing, gameplay is dynamic, crazy good time playing it, weapons, POI, MP, LOS are all great.
I definitly like this map. I can't see clear gameplay flow, but i think i might dl and look at it. Good job!
The Review Hub Map Name: Bad Posture Author: Bloumbas Reviewed By: E93 Enjoyment: 6/10 Alright, how do I start this... Well, the map was most definetely not even close to being one worth getting featured, but it's fun to it's certain extent. Even though the map had some pretty bad stuff going on (which I will elaborate in further criteria), it was still enjoyable to play on, for a while. But, don't get too excited about it. Give it some 10 minutes, and you'll be pretty sick of playing it, and it will start getting really repetitive. You spawn, you kill someone, you die. You spawn, get spawn killed. You spawn, kill someone, spawn-kill, etc. It gets really limited also because of it's short size. Balance: 6/10 Well, since the map is fairly small, there isn't a lot of room left for a lot of weapons. The only sniper on the map, is the only power-weapon on the map, as well. Since it's placed in the middle, there's more balance added to it, but it loses a lot of points for this specific reason: The map is tiny. You find the sniper in the tallest spot on the map, right where you can see, and sniper everyone on the map. So it makes it really, really easy to spawn kill, if you know how to use it. The only equipment on the map, is the Power Drain, which is placed, as well in the middle. Fairly balanced, again. It just depends on luck if you get it or not. Durability: 3/10 This was a really upseting part of the map. Let everyone down, and was a bit comical. I didn't take off a lot of points majorly because of the non-spawning Double-Boxes, because I know Bloumbas was still trying to fix them. That made it incredibly easy to get out of the map. I know it will be fixed later, so I didn't worry to much about it. But what made the map's grade drop down to a 1 here, was being able to escape out of the map, a very different way, where no Double-Boxes were even placed to begin with. The sniper tower, on the middle of the map. A simple grenade jump get's you out. One game we played of CTF, had the flag spawning outside. We managed to jump out, retrieve the flag, and score it, also outside of the map. Spawn-Camping was also terrible. Like I said before, the sniper tower just simply handed free spawn kills to whoever was there, with the sniper. Aesthetics: 8/10 Very, very neat interlocking. Very clean, and pleasant, on the most part too. It just lacked, like most maps do, that extra something to make it stand out, and quit being just another map. Needs the shizam!. You know what I'm saying? Originality: 6/10 Once again, lacked somethnig to make it stand out. The shape of the map was interesting, but very plain, and didn't have a lot of complex ideas. It takes a lot of thinking to get something to be special, and stand out. I don't blame Bloubmas, but it just didn't happen, you know. Overall score (Average of the above):5.8/10 All of the gametypes need a little working on. The flags need to not spawn outside, etc. Consider removing the sniper tower, or fixing it, somehow so spawn-camping doesn't occur. Overall, it's an ok map. Just needs a lot of work, still.