The Tower Created by: BooM Krootal1ty Supported Gametypes: Capture The Flag: Multi And One and Custom Varient Slayer Infection (don't judge me I like it) Map Description This is my first Forgehub posted map so please don't explode when u see it isn't interlocked. i know titmar only accepts interlocking so i'm sorry Titmar. plz comment i need suggestions for future maps. I created this map with CTF being the main gametype. This map is relativly small compared to some maps i've seen on foundry. There are two main bases, The Tower, thus the name, and one of the rooms on near the corridor. There are two ways to get up into the tower to get the flag, both dangerous. The longer one makes it so you come up level with the flag spawn. The shorter one, makes it so you come up with no idea where anyone is, and u become level once u step up on the plateform. In many ways the Defense, The Tower spawn, has it made easy for them. They have three human turrets one up high on a "spire" with two fusion coils next to them, one level with flag spawn and on the long way up, one on top or the short way up at the level of a flat double box. The Defense, Tower spawn, has a rocket with 2 extra clips set to 90 sec respawn. human sniper 2 extra clip 90 sec respawn. human sniper 0 clip 45 sec respawn. Shotgun 2 extra clip 120 sec respawn. Trip mine 60 sec respawn. Beam Rifle (hidden sort of) 180 sec respawn respawn at start no. Plasma pistol 60 sec respawn. All turrets 60 sec respawn place at start no. 2 assult rifles 2 extra clip 30 sec respawn. 2 smgs 2 extra clip 30 sec respawn. two mongooses 20 sec respawn. One warthog 120 sec respawn. In the center a flamethrower 180 sec respawn place at start no. On top of single open box. two forklifts on either side of open box. Plenty of barriers spread out in open area. Attackers main base. plasma turret set to face spire on tower. rockets 1 extra clip 60 sec respawn. two snipers one with 120 sec respawn 2 extra clip one with 60 sec respawn 1 extra clip. shotgun 2 extra clip 90 sec respawn. two brs 20 sec respawn 2 extra clip. bubble shield 90 sec respawn. 2 smgs 30 sec respawn 2 extra clip. 2 assult rifles 30 sec respawn 2 extra clip. Grav lift 180 sec respawn. Warthog 90 sec respawn. 2 mongooses 60 sec respawn. Overshield 180 sec respawn and grav lift 180 respawn same area place at start no. Inside corridor: shotgun 0 extra clip 45 sec respawn. Carbine 30 sec respawn 2 extra clip. through passageway. human sniper extra clip 1 respawn 60 sec. Carbine 60 sec respawn 1 extra clip. Br 30 sec respawn 2 extra clip. other connected room to corridor: 1 flare 60 sec respawn. 4 frags 10 sec respawn. 2 plasma gernades 10 sec respawn. Beam Rifle 180 sec respawn place at start no. ATtackers "bunker" in front of The Tower. Two plasma turrets 60 sec respawn place at start no. 4 smgs 60 sec respawn 2 extra clip. Carbine 150 sec respawn extra clip 2. human sniper 150 sec respawn extra clip 1. rockets 120 sec respawn 0 extra clip. Br 90 sec respawn 2 extra clip. Shotgun 120 sec respawn 1 extra clip. regenerator 90 sec respawn. Recommended team size: 2-3 4 if there are a lot of inexperienced players. ______________________________________________________________ Pictures Attackers base Attackers vehicle area Center area with Flamethrower Attackers "bunker" The long way to The Tower The short way up to The Tower Part of The Tower The Tower + The "spire" __________________________________________________________ Download The Tower Custom game varient
note: i will try to remeber to edit this later mabey you should wait to post so you can complete b4 you leave for your freinds? you should prolly do that try to stay away from shield doors+ turrets and never have armories in yuor maps, try to spread them out
i can't really understand it so ill have a forgethrough. turrets and sheild doors do not work well together if i were you i would have the turret backwards so that you have to rip it off. Edit: hey theres no dl link thats not up to standards. No one else point this out or it will be spam.
This is not a fully informational post pictures wise. Even though I AM new, I have been looking at this site for a while, so I know how to have a post for a map. If you could kindly visit your profile and save more pictures then upload them using photobucket, that would be much more helpful for people that want to look at this map.
mmmmk i'm bak nao i'll make it better and fix nao pwned mah friends at halo 109 kills with 81 wit other teammate to 119kills by other friend and like 40 for his teammate fixed things