Me and my friend godsent were fooling around on last resort and got up to different spots n stuff. And i noticed at this spot there was this light that shined on him and added a sweet effect. So i said go pose over by that light while i throw some grenades for more effects and this is what we did. I took the shot, he did the pose. And i give to you Scope 3 my third installment of my scope series. Pleez rate if u like it, also to see my other scope pics just look at my file share. Once again pleez rate! Rate and Discuss at: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Pretty nice effect and lighting is nice, but personally, there have been too many sniper screenshots. I love how it is showing the scope instead, and I like how the helmet is not Rogue. Great shot! What map was this taken on?
Well.. this screenshot could have been better(no offense) it would have been really cool if there was no grenade and is armor was forced black.
well the screenshot was pretty much a total accident. we did not go in there to take a screenshot we were just playing around and this just happened to happen no pun intended. yeah we probably could of made it better but like i said this was totally an accident, and im probably not going to remake it cuz im really happy with the way it turned out
I see i didn't get the title but now i do ! This is pretty nice .. The light looks great and the extra effects are nice too Great job! =]
This is a pretty good screenshot... But it would probably be better if it was a little darker or something like that... 4/5
thanx pelican but i kinda wanted it to be light, the thing was if i did no grenade the effect wouldnt be as good, its 2 combined effects, so without one the screenshot fails.
I think the shot is awesome. The lighting makes it look like a sketch and the back of the spartan looks awesome when it's all white like that.
Looks easy to make and boring. Sorry, but this kinda very boring so no DL or rate, but if I did, 3/5.