Haunted Mansion Creators: RisingRemains, Sgamer71, Fewzion, Akira95, A Crazy Spartan Recommended Party Size 5+ Hello Fellow Forgehubbers I'll be showing you a map that will really give you the scary feeling, note I wont be showing you all the rooms, most of them are really secrety you'll have to find them yourself for more fun. There where a group of misfits who were told to stay in this mansion, they came down the chimnee knowing the door was locked. Problem was, they didn't know someone died in this mansion. The group of misfits heard a banging noise, it kept banging until it was released. It was a haunting ghost, they woken up the ghost by invading the ghost's property. They ran everywhere just trying to survive the night, they locked themselves in individual rooms. But the ghost didnt stop.. It just kept banging until the door open. Will they survive? How's The Game Played Humans start of with a magnum and plasma pistol. Alpha zombie has 200 Damage Resistance, Normal Shields, Speed 50, And poor camo for ghostly ness. Alpha zombie has to knock down a barrier to get through, no one can predict when the ghost will come out. Humans who get infected by the ghost are, One Shot Kill, Speed 150. Description About The Map This map will make you run for your life, it's just like a maze but with rooms and traps [: . When theres a zombie coming after you run fast and go lock yourself in a room. There are 3 floors, Basement, First Floor, And Second Floor. This map will seriously make you have alot of fun. Most of the map is neatly interlocked [: . First picture shows the group of misfits falling down the chimnee (Human starting points) A table of weapons near the spawn point, (Short on ammo) Oh and a sexy camo [: go pick it up. This shows what happens when you pick up the camo, you get smashed and you lock a part of the map. This shows where Alpha Zombie ( Ghost ) Starts at. This room shows the first room, and stairs to get to the second floor. This picture shows what's inside the room spike grenades, deployable cover, BR (Short on ammo), And a AR (Short on ammo) If you look down you could find a secret entrance to the basement. Here is the basement you'll see that there's a rocket to defend yourself from the ghost, the rocket has ZERO CLIPS and spawns every THREE Minutes so use it WISELY. The basement has ALOT of secret rooms, but i won't be showing you all of them [: knock down the barrels to find secret rooms. Some barrels have weapons under it. The second room you can lock yourself in. What's inside the room is an AR and BR BUT THEY HAVE ZERO CLIPS AND THREE MINUTE SPAWN. So becareful if you lock yourself here. This shows the door and energy sword, (Energy swords can lock doors faster) This shows the third room, a broken window. and there's two doors for emergencies. Teh door so you can lock it. Emergencie Door SECOND Door if the zombies break in, and shows a flamethrower that spawns every 3 minutes. A little room with some weapons, Overshield spawns every three minutes, both carbines have 1 clip. This is an example when you should lock yourself in a room and kill teh zombies.. But I suggest when you close the door take distance away from teh zombies ;D. Or you'll end up like this freaking idiot. Creator Notes If your thinking that there's too many power weapons your wrong, each weapon have a certain clip and a certain spawn time. Reason why there's rockets is because the ghost has a 200 Damage Resistance. And there are alot of secret rooms, but you'll have to find them yourself ; D. Download Map Variant Haunted Mansion Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Game Type There's A Ghost Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Well, For starters, There are WAY too many house maps made these days, Ever since "Barts Manor" Came out, People have tried to make haunted houses and other houses, Well, To me, This does'nt look much like a house, My friend Gamefreak, Made a mansion, and it is pretty cool. I don't see why he does'nt join FH. He knows how to interlock but I don't think he knows how to merge.... Your map Does not look like a haunted mansion, In any way. 3.5/5 No download from me, Make a V2, and make it look better. This reminds me exactly like SAW, Pick up the power ups, And most people die. (I always laugh at them and teabag there bodies.) EDIT: I have taken a closer look at the pictures, The bridge floor is'nt interlocked, Like I said, A V2 is next then.
Very Cool, The Main Thing That I like Is How You Balanced the power weapons to work with the tight quarters. This Should Be Alot of Fun..... The Download Shall come, Be back with a Review later! Cheers! Desert Rat 852
Dude insanely great map! Map creativity 5/5 The Rooms looks great with the doors being wire stools and dumpsters.(Great Idea btw) The Mansion idea was awesome with the chute in the beginning, pure genius! Map Quality 4.92/5 There were some parts that were a little messy with the interlocking, like the "B" sign in one of the pictures. Other than that the geomerging and the interlocking in all the other rooms looks great. Especially the bridge floors and the stairs looks good. Weapon Choice 5/5 The weapon choice looks great. From the sword to the flamethrower the weapons match perfectly and wonderful with the map. Gametype Creativity 5/5 The idea of ghosts having a poor active camo and the humans being able to run fast and get around good is just such a good idea. That with the map makes a great duo. Gametype Quality 5/5 Once again all 5's just looks great with the camo and the gravity. Looks Great Overall 4.985/5 Every thing just looks great. The only thing i think might need some work on is the interlocking. Other than that, This map deserves a feature. Acually one of the best infection maps i have ever seen great job and maybe i could forge with you sometime. Great Job! (not meaning to be love, love but this map is just awesome!)
The map's design looks okay, however I've never been one for camping while playing zombies which is basically what this is meant for. It looks neat, but it has also been done so many times before it's not even funny. One thing that really turns me off from the map is the flame thrower. They are almost impossible to get by as a zombie when somebody is around a corner or in a room. Even if it doesn't have unlimited ammo, you have no chance, and everyone would just rush to that room. To the guy above me, no this does not deserve a feature. Those kind of people are amazing forgers who think WAY outside the box. I'm sorry but it's obvious you haven't been here for more than a couple days if you think this is original.
very clever, i like this mansion. all of the traps and the basement set it apart from other infection levels.
the map looks okay but the gameplay is awsome I almost **** my pants playing it with zombies. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!
Omfg.Calm down man. What did you think forge hub is for? Criticism is basically what half the site is made of! Unlike noobs who come on the site and post "this sucks!" or "great" and crap like that, I posted my reasons in a overview of everything I saw. Over the maps I've played it is not the ideal weapon to place where corners or rooms are accesible. A certain map called "close the door" had the same issue a very long time ago. Don't worry about it. It's just an opinion. You are kidding me. Right? RIGHT? Mansions are the most common form of infection. 1 out of 10 are mansions, houses, and whatnot. 1 out of 15 are mazes. To name like a millionth of them- I Am Legend, Bart's Manor, The Estate, The Cellars, Modern Mansion, Killamansion, Multimansion, Zombie Mansion, Fido's House, The lost Chamber, Pulse. God there 93 pages of infection maze maps, and 104 pages of mansion infection maps. My post was not mean, WAS thought out, and was absolutely real facts and fair opinions. Do not think that because somebody does not like certain things about a map that they hate it, or are being mean. This is forgehub, or course you are going to get criticism. By posting this, you obviously were just angry that I did not have the same opinion as you. I'm sorry to break it to you, but it does happen. That's just the way the world is, and if you still think you were in the right than I pity you.
nice forging skills good interlocking and map design 1 or two tips, never put a camping weapon in a camping spot br+instant kill zombie = TeH uBeR StUpId
Haha I'm going to rate my own map. 5/5 xD. I just love playing our map, it's just fun to find what will suprise you. I love the gameplay, and the map, the interlocking is nice, the bridges shown in the picture doesn't look like its interlocked but it is [: .
Yo Rising I finally got a forgehub account! Anyway, awesome map 5/5, we've been playing this so many times. I love the gameplay it really scares the crap out of you.
like the idea. there is good interlocking and exceptional weapon placment. the only thing i dont like is the oversheild kinda unfair. looks clostrophobicsome open spaces would be nice
This map looks like a mix between Saw and close the doors, and those are 2 of my favorite infection maps, and this looks great. I am always looking for a new infection map to show and play with all my friends, and i this is a great one. 9.5/10 great job! keep it up =)
i really didnt see what was so fun about hiding in a locked room where the zombies cant even get you... i honestly almost fell asleep while playing this map. anyhow: you stated how the power weapons balance out with 200% resistant alpha? i played this with 8 people and all we had to do was camp in a cramped room (anyone that has a lock) an the zombie could never get us. to me, this is not true infection. Infection is where zombies and humans have a descent chance of surviving and killing each other. This map frowns on zombies being able to kill humans. yah sure alpha has camo and 200 resistance but when theres 7 people nailing you with br's/ar's/maulers/rockets/flamethrowers you pretty much get insta killed. im gona be brutally honest with you: This is NOT the funnest infection i have ever played, nothin close. your interlocking is sub par but at least you tried. When it was my turn to be the starting zombie it really pissed me off at how the humans just had to camp. and theres pretty much no way in except through the one door area. Grats on making another "zombie piss off map". oh well. Just keep that in mind for your next maps