Dexterity Created by Merrifield69 THIS IS MY FIRST FORGE HUB MAP SO PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS ON HOW TO IMPROVE MY FORGE SKILLS!!! Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Slayer Map Description This map its really big with to very large bases. Including Base A and Base B. This map has 1 Rocket Launcher, 2 Sniper Rifles, 1 Brute Shot, 1 Needler, a bunch of Battle Rifles, some Carbines, 1 Active Camo, and 1 Overshield. One team spawns in the Foundry hallway and the other team spawns on the opposite side of the map. The map pretty big so i guess maybe 4v4 - 6v6 should be fine. _________________________________________________ The "A" Base More detail look of the "A" Base The middle area where the Rocket Launcher spawns The "B" Base More detail look of the "B" Base _________________________________________________ This is my first Forge Hub map so i hope you could use good feedback for my first time. And please if you have any suggestions for any of my future maps let me know. Download Dexterity
it looks like a well-built map, but I'm highly doubting the gameplay: what just Slayer? Wouldn't everyone just be running around below the main structures? Have you tested this?
H3C, I was going to make it also Capture the Flag and stuff but i couldn't find a good spot to put both of the flags! Because one base has a mancannon and the other one doesn't so it wouldn't be fair to the A base. I didn't test it with like real testers i tested it with my friends. I did not see a problem, but im new with posting maps and making them so i don't know whats going on right now.
It looks cool and symmetrically pleasingly dexterily good. But it looks really open like you could've aded more on the ground level. 3.5/5
This looks pretty good for starters but add some more cover for a V2 and make it more playable for all gametypes. Try using some forging techniques found in the Forging 101 section of this site such as interlocking, most people consider interlocking a vital part of maps. But you did interlock I think in the center of the map so that is good.
nice interlcoking and good use of the bridgess and ab signs mabey you could flip the wnidows so that they provide less cover, and also flip thos boxes in the middle the ground level looks like its lacking, mabey add some small structures or cover, mabey a nuteral base?
Although I have just created this account, I know a thing or two about maps, and this is my first post, so I thought I would just post my review for this map. It has very nice interlocking and a nice feel to it, and the little curved platform in the middle looks very nice in the maps choreography. But the floor seems very open, and I am not too sure that the bases are big enough or even far enough apart. Maybe in a version 2 you could make the floor a little more covered, and make each base more even with each other.
awesome first map. i see interlocking and lots of floating objects you should also check out geomerging in the forge 101 section. On with the map I like that you have floating bridges but they are fairly narrow and have little cover. if someone had a br and saw you the only thing you could do is drop down where there too is little cover. Also I wouldn't give camo to one team and invis to another i would make them go out of there way to get it. I definately think this is a good start but in a v2 add more cover on the ground and a little in the sky too. This is one of the few solid posts by a new member. Forge on
The layout is very nice, and the interlocking is pretty smooth. I think you should completely close off the back area because it looks like a complete open space. and the rockets are also pretty open, maybe set up a few walls or more structure along the sides