Rohan the horselands domain. Rohan is really fun it will make you become wary. You wont no what hit you the uruk-hai can come in any direction.In Rohan you will want to work together and try to survive as long as you can. Heres rohan all humans start here they got a really good defense,you got a highly fortified gate and a guass cannon at your disposal. The inner city walls there houses and stores with hidden weapons in this area.Try to protect this area. watch out! Catapults spawn and they pack a punch full of explosives,but dont worry they come every 45 secs. Here's where the zombies spawn not a good idea to camp there. Ah the siege ram perfect for breaking down walls make sure you dont get in front of it. The Camping Problem There is camping problems but not anymore. ok here's person acting stupid, u can hide up there. the only thing wrong with this is that a zombie can get you all u have to do is... grab this it spawns every 60 sec's once you get this u can grab any weapon on the map including grenades.Oh and remember u only got 10 secs to pickup a weapon. Now grab a gun or in this case a fire grenade and incenerate the camper. Oh look another camper well grab the powerup and kill those campers. Interlocking:Yes Recommended players: 8-16 Weapons on the map: BR Shotguns sniper Beam rirfle SMG assault rirfle gravity Hammer flamethrower magnums covenant carbines Vechicles on the map Guass warthog Download the map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Recommended: (game variant) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The game variant uruk-hai is pretty fair it can start with 2 or 3 zombies i recommend 3 makes it fair. The alpha zombies have full shields and the regular zombies have some damage resistance but are a easy kill. Plz rate and comment
That was a Great idea how the Siege ram breaks down the Wall! Ive never seen something like that before. Awesome Map! 4.5/5
first of all, dont ****ing rate your own thread!!! second, the inside is 4/5, but the outside is too open, so 1.5/5 overall, 2.3/5 EDIT: try interlocking the corner walls, as to help out on the aesthetics.... also, i like the non camping mechanism.....nice! changed overall: 3/5
The map would be better if you had interlocked the bridges into the double boxes. 3.75/5, No download from me, Even though you fixed the camping problem, I'm not going to download. Sorry. And don't rate your own map.
Wow Great map battering ram great touch.Tho I can see how the zombie being able to pick up weapons would be a problem 5/5 And REP!!!
that is a great idea with the battering ram, im going to dl and play tonight i have just one question, is is 1 shot kill? full shields? =whats the health of the zombie.
nice interlocking mabey the gaus is a little cheap? mabey keep the guas and get rid of the turetts? or vice versa? i like the idea of the power up u should use window panels to block off that ridge inthe first place
Wow i like the map Arctic Phoenix8 Approves this fine map. The map i think should really be played with zombies but good job 5 star!!!!! opinion
Ahhh Why Me?! Awesome map as always. Gameplay for this map is really fun, this one is much more fun then minas theirth. 5/5