Contention Author: Brute Captain Contention is my second map that I have posted on Contention started out as idea for a CTF map, but then I couldn't keep it going. For about a week I was stuck without any idea or plan to complete the map. Then it eventually came to me and I spent a week completing it. This is the finished product, I hope you enjoy Contention. Map Geometry: Contention is a two sided symetrical map. It spans all across the available space and consists of three levels. The first level winds in and around walls and boxes, through tight alleys, and even under bridges. As you progress to the second level whether it be through means of stairs or a quick grenade jump, the gameplay becomes more open. The second level contains a central bridge with protective energy doors, two side bridges connecting boxes on either side, a central stairway cross section that opens up acess to all three levels, and the second level of the two bases. The third level is a catwalk system that can be found near the far walls on both sides of the map. Required Gametype: None Gametype Compatibility: Contention is designed primarily for Slayer, CTF, and Assault gametypes. However, all gametypes work very well and are equally enjoyable on Contention. Reccomended for Slayer, CTF, or Assualt variants. Weapons: Placed on the map are two sniper rifles, four assault rifles, four SMG's, two needlers, one energy sword, one rocket launcher, two plasma pistols, two plasma rifles, six battle rifles, two carbines, two brute shots, two magnums, four spikers, and two maulers. Contention plays most well with 4 - 12 players. Link to download Contention: Other Maps: Centrifuge - Link: Screenshots:
Great second post. You might want to add short descriptions to each pic, though... make me understand why your general gameplay foundry map is better than everybody else's general gameplay foundry map. Not sure you should link to other maps in this thread either. If it's good enough, create a thread for it as well. There's no limit to how many maps you can upload... so long as they're quality. Also, watch those color tags in your links. Thanks for the weapons layout, though.
Looks nice and clean, which can be pretty rare for a Foundry map. And much praise heaped upon you for using quality pics in your post(especially your 2nd!). I can tell what's what and make for an easy decision to DL.
Looks neat and organized. There are some empty spaces on the ground floor from what I can see in the first screenshot but other than that this looks well done. Nice job.
Reply to most recent reply: The reason for not having scenery in the big open areas is because they are indeed big open areas. What you said is like saying "This room is clean and organized, but put some crap in the middle of the floor just for the heck of it...", see what I mean?
looks Great but i think it needs more scenery in the middle, under and around where the shielded bridge is, more stuff like wire spools, fusion coils and "junk" like that. But overall great work.
I have recently realized this map is more of a team game map. I would reccomend 2 vs. 2 or more. Have fun. - Brute Captain