If i can, Id like to challenge someone on FH here to a 1 v 1...just a signature but you can choose topic. We can also set up a deadline (as soon as possible would be great) as well as whatever else would work. Im not sure if this is how 1 v 1 go, but I might as well try. Let me know and we'll get it set up. thanks.
it doesnt really matter, maybe more of some person/character/game/etc. anything is fine with me as long as i know what it is lol. do you have any suggestions?
ill accept the challedge. any call of duty (1-4) signature. we have to show each other when we are done where we got our render.
alright, whens the deadline? ASAP would be great. btw Terrax Im not sure if you accepted the challenge from me, but maybe after this one if thats fine.
Yeah I'll Challenge after and the theme should be anything that is bright... Anime, DBZ, maybe Halo... Those are all good.
ok i'll start on mine now. probably will be done 1-2 hours possibly. but i will keep you updated. btw Terrax, after i do this challenge, i'll gladly challenge you. thanks guys, and goodluck Aaronator.
Just for fun I made one so here is my unofficial entry... It's not very good cuz it took like 10 minutes but w/e Also if anyone wants it they can have it... Just PM me saying ur using it and +rep me. Also I can put ur name into it.
ok here is my entry. if you want to look at it correctly the put your forgehub layout to OLDSCHOOL. render here
Hey can I face winner or something? I have nothing to do at the moment so if you guys don't mind I need to do some graphic designing and I like to win, so I won't go easy, just PM me if you want me to face winner, I am ready with everything I need and if you want to change the theme for that battle let me know, only if you guys wanna. Nice render, and I like the colours.
alright, I am finally done. I'll go upload it now. >>>> so what now? oh yeah, render here. http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/90259...-duty-4-modern-warfare-20070620060042129.html
Time for voting... and thanks Hells! Also I vote for Enigma because it has more done to it and isn't as simple.
thanks guys :happy: anyways, for Aaronator you just need to delete the background layer. Terrax, i like yours for the amount of time you spent on it but i think it needs more blending/tuning. Not sure if you will work on it again but w.e lol.
Haha Terrax... Am I allowed to vote? I vote for Aaronator because I like the background, I am not really paying attention to the drop shadow but his smudge was nice.