I've been playing the demo over and over. It's so much fun! I really can't wait to get the full game and unlock even more force powers.
Ah man, that demo is so fun! One of the Rebels threw one of those grenade things at me and then another one walked forward and stumbled over it and died because of his buddy! The thing that I like the most is impaling all da people with my cool powers. And then in the Tie Fighter Hangar I throw them at the Tie Fighters and watch them get blown up. So, as you just heard this game is AWESOME!!! There's so much things you can do with the force in the demo. I can't imagine what you can do in the whole game...
Agreed, it is faaaar too short. I ran through it on the "Hard" setting within 15-20 minutes. Subsequent playthroughs lasted no longer than 10. I am seriously hoping this demo is a very small part of the TIE Construction Facility level, if the whole thing is little longer than the demo, I'm going to be very disappointed.