
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by g4m3sl4y3r, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    Map Created by G4M3SL4Y3R. Version 1.1

    Thats all about the weapons, here are the pictures + description!:
    This image is the Back of the main building, i put two turrets here for defence for "Infection", wich is pretty basic to play on here, but can be really much fun.

    This is the Main Building from above. In the middle there is a Tower, wich can bring you from the first/second floor to the third/second, Also, there is a sticking out part, wich is a landing part for the mancannon-building, wich i'm going to show you later on. As well, if you look carefully you can see a second bridge behind the one on the bottom of this image.. wich is a floating one in the building, wich i'll show you later.. As well there are barricades ontop of the building for extra cover, since there's none.

    From this oside you can see the bottom-bridge.. Wich is coming from the outside the building to inside the building, between going in/out there is a teleporter, wich is not teleporting to these recievers, but to the mancannon-building. Wich i'll show you later as well..

    This is the outside part of the bridge, wich is going in.. It is coming from the Pillar-House (wich i call it), there is one machine gun turret on it as well as two spike grenade, there are three shield doors between and behind the building, so the wraith, wich is behind them.. cannot get on the other side of the map.

    This is the same thing, other position. On this position you can see the pillar-building niceley, wich has a sword on it, wich you can get by using a gravity lifter... wich is on a wall there.. thats why the roof is turned, as well you can see the other bridge sticking out and going in a corner to an oddball spawn, wich isn't there normally. Normally there's a rocket Launcher there, together with TWO plasma grenades. In the bottom part you can see two wire thinys together with a pallet, under that pallet there are two firebomb grenades.

    Yeah, i got no comment for this one.. oh yeah, theres an BR standing against the wall left, and the gravity lifter is gone, wich i've already fixed before putting this post on.

    This is an image of the South-eastern corner, facing the south-west corner, this image is showing the ugly-side of the mancannon-building, together with the open double box hiding spot and the sniper camp in the back corner, wich is reachable by using the mancannon.

    This again, is the mancannon building from the front-upside. there are two mancannons, the right one goes to the sniper post, and the left one is going to the landing-bridge ontop of the main building. You can get the chopper by using a gravity lifter, or by grenade jumping, wich is slightly harder.

    This is the Mancannon-building, from the inside.. you can choose right to go the main building's landing bridge or left to go to the sniper point. Also, in front of this teleporter. Theres an covenant carabine.

    This side is showing the sniper platform, wich has two snipers, a plasma grenade, a sticky grenade and a deployable cover.

    This is an picture from the Sniper point, looking at the west side of the main building.. You can see a spiker on the right, on the other front-entrace pillar theres another one, and you can see a ghost here. Infront of the ghost theres a plasma pistol wich you can disable any vehicle with while charged ofcourse.

    Thats it! I hope you enjoyed! and as far as you know, this is ONLY a part of it, becouse:
    "To get the real experience, ya gotta play and love teh map eh g4m3sl4y3r?" - TA Eggy

  2. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Wow, this has a very...unique layout. It doesn't look like the best layout or playability. Of course, I could be proved wrong. Good job on the unique look though, so 3/5.
  3. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    well, tbh it looks different here then it really is.. If i gotta speak the truth, it looks like a quarter of the real map here.. a well, download and rate for youselfe!
  4. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    It seems way to open for a wraith and a ghost. And in one picture there are two snipers about a foot away from each other.
  5. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    if you did read the description, it tells you why:

    the wraith is for extra chances for killing, and CANT get further THEN the first bridge/shield doors.. The ghost is there for fast transport/killing as well..

    The snipers are there for more players, exept for if you accidently pick em up both.. lol

    Nothing against you, but for other players: please read the descriptions first :D
  6. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Definitely unique, as in Extremely Rare. I like the upper walkways, but past experience would tell me that with the supreme lack of cover on the ground floor, there is a strong chance that they could become overpowering. A good deal of the map feels too open, but all of these should be adressable via a version 2. You have some very unique, even enjoyable elements aesthetically. Keep up the good work. 3.75/5
  7. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    well thank y gud sir :D

    indeed the top floor could be overpowering, thats why i made the small "dumpster-hiding-spot" as well as the open box.. Im probaly not making a V2 for this one, becouse my fileshareo nly has 6 slots :(

    As well, against the "Overpowering" of the top floor, i created the side-walkway as well as the mancannon going up there, that makes it able to turn the chances.. or what about the sniper post? thats another solution.. A well, if you play the map good enough, you'll probaly see more then one solution to stop the other team from anywhere..

    Have fun!

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