14 Olympic gold medallist Phelps gets Call of Duty 5 three months early As if the admiration of millions of the public isn't enough, 14 times Olympic gold medallist Michael Phelps has received a copy of Call of Duty 5 which isn't due out for release until November. As well as giving him a copy of the latest game incredibly early, Activision has also named a character after him! quote: "And Rodriguez had a surprise for Phelps, a video game lover: Activision provided a copy of "Call of Duty 5," which isn't coming out until November. The company even named a character after him. A close friend tells The Early Show Phelps loves the game and would having the upcoming version early. " MAXCONSOLE - MaxConsole - 14 Olympic gold medallist Phelps gets Call of Duty 5 three months early Well. Uhh... I Didn't think It would be a good game anyway! HA!
wtf!!?? Phelps you suck lolz.... that is pretty amazing actually... I'm gonna start working on my swimming career so I can get Call of Duty 12 out three months early.... Great find!
I was thinking the same thing COD 5 is going to be a piece. I would be mad if I was phelps lol at lest he could have gotten GoW2 instead ;] lol.
wow Bungie's going to get him Halo 4 early too! Just to keep competitivicle What's the point of them giving him the game anywai?
omg he is probably going to give all the spoilers away and find LOTS and LOTS of glitches. no fair. i am micheals relitive. give one to me god damn it!
TreyArch > News > Michael Phelps Gets A Special Gift From Treyarch & Activision! No.. he didn't get it early. He will, but he hasn't yet.
No they're using him as a product. In my opinion the whole thing is just like a big advertisement. Michael Phelps Has CoD: World At War And You Don't Its so random though. "Congrats on the great swimming. Here's Call of Duty: World at War." And it was a PS3 version. Phelps seems more like a 360 kind of guy to me.
Who's he going to play online for the next 2 months? No-one, that's who. At least when he's on it on the release day he will own everyone
I would sell it for a ton of money because Cod5 is, eh. Gimme Gears Of War 2 or Reconz then I would be very much appreciated.
MTV Multiplayer Michael Phelps Didn’t Really Get New ‘Call Of Duty’ Early http://www.treyarch.com/news/116