Alright, so I'm a huge rockband fan. I mean, I've quite literally spent the last 3 or so months playing mainly that game. I've become quite good at expert drums. I'm able to 5-star most songs and beat all songs but run to the hills. Now, rockband 2 comes out in 2 weeks. It's going to have over 80 on-disk songs... 20 free downloadable songs are going to be released with it and you're going to be able to export your rockband 1 songs (with the omission of 3, I think) for just $5. Now, even if you odn't pay for downloadable songs, that's still a whole lot of music. So, enough about how awesome rockband is, where's the discussion in all of this? -What are you most excited for in rock band 2? -What instrument do you primarily play/what difficulty. -Do you have any rockband goals to accomplish before rockband 2 arrives? -Are you getting any of the fancy new instruments?
Yeah, I personally don't have a whole lot of cash money right now, so I'm rummaging through my older games so I can get it... goodbye ninja gaiden. @forge vortex No radiohead songs, except for creep, if you count it... but they do have "carry on my wayward son" by kansas (hell yeah!)
I'm an instrument game fanatic! I love these games. At first I was totally sure that GH:WT would be better, but the lacking song list really puts a damper on it, so RB2 may end up being better. I have RB1 so I will buy the RB2 disc and then I will get the GH:WT bundle.
Yeah, It's kind of nice that guitarhero world tour is going to be compatible with the rockband drum kit... that's nice. I think the success/failure of one versus the other is going to rely on what the public will like more. Guitar hero offers user-made content (beit horrible or good), but rockband offers professionally-made content.
Theres not THAT BIG OF A DIFF, but there are diffs from GH and RB. To me, realy Guitar Hero AeroSmith was the best of them all, but I will try rockband 2 and then post a ?...GH AS or RB2?
Expert guitarist for my band. I'm trying to memorize the harder songs for the guitar part so that they don't jump out at me with something I wasn't expecting. BTW, songs listed by difficulty and parts. I've got to hear how they did Master Exploder. I understand that the lyrics are being rewritten so that it falls under a T rating without being chopped up by the censor machine.
Everlong looks like a beast to me. Notice, about that list: Panic attack is in the hardest 5 for most instruments... XD
I have question: to export the songs, do you have to have them on rock band 1, because I don't have it. I was going to get it, but I'm not sure.
All DLC songs are instantly cross-compatible. The transferable on-disk songs from RB1 work like this: An update will be released for Rock Band that adds a new option on the main menu. Selecting the song transfer option, and the game will allow you to install the songs onto your hard drive. I can't remember all the details, but I recall there being some sort of confirmation number. Either way, there's no sign of a registration per disk, so it seems that simply renting RB1 will do the trick.
i shall buy dis yes indeed, also right nao anyone who is reading this i want to play rock band nao!!!! so send Savage Potato77 a friend request and play RB with me NAO!!!!!
See, therein lies the problem. They haven't announced how it's going to work, but the biggest speculation is this: Xbox 360 is working on a system to be released soon wherein you can store whole games on your hard drive. That way, when you play it, load times will be quicker and the disk won't spin, however you'll have to have the disk on the actual tray. Everyone thinks rockband 2 will use this feature to import the older songs. @archam... I read your post as I was typing this, you just ninja'd me... XD
I got all the rock band instruments so just rock band 2 for me .. Can't wait for all the new songs ! And to play the old ones on rock band 2! I will be playing Expert drums but if my bro plays i'll be lead guitaring it on expert! =]