Yea, this is funny. I have seen this. Everyone loves using cones for something funny. This is prablably one of the best. 5/5 and DL.
I haven't seen this but it is funny. It is almost like a commercial, it is just siting there looking at what it just did. Great pic dude.
This is an epic pic! Very clever, original and funny =] But as Supernaut said .. If it had no title i wouldnt really get it ..
The cone gives off a very 'Joker-ish' feel. Observing the chaos happening below him. Regardless, it's a neat staged picture, and the title helped give me that vibe.
Damn cone blew up my house 2 days ago. We have to form an army and destroy it!!!! that would make a good machinima lol Nice pic btw. Good job