Map Title: The wall. Multi team game foundry Description: The map has taken place in Foundry. Because It is my first map I am a little bit nervous about how it will do... The map Has 2 bases A giant wall.(all interlocked) I hope that the map will be a hit when people check it out. DL and try it out. And bring back some feed back Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Equipment/Weapons; -4x Carbine -4x Shotguns -4x Sniper Rifles -4x Beam Rifles -4x Battle rifles -2x Bubble Shield -2x Radar Jammer -2x Flare -2x Power Drain -2x Regenerator -2x Trip Mine -2x Grav Lift -2x Deployable Cover -2x Mongeese This is the blue Base This is Red base(Same thing) This is the red Equipment spawn and Flag capture spot. Same as red but for the blue team. Bomb spawn point with get away mongeese OverView Of Map Download Map
Welcome to the world of Forgehub posting! This is a good map, for a new user that is. I have always like these concepts and I will continue to like them. A few things you might get nagged for though, is the lack of cover and your use of an "armory". Other than that it looks like a fun map. When my fileshare has a spot I will try it out and report back to you. Love, Zachary9990
At the first pic I thought, "this map actually looks pretty good!" After that, the other pics made the map look like crap. Armory's, uneven walls, walls you can easily jump over, I have a feeling you didn't use unlimited money. Sorry, but this deserves a 2/5.
Not bad for a first map, but try looking around and getting a good idea of tips and tricks to forging. 1. Never use an armory- people will hate this, as they don't make for very balanced gameplay. 2. Always provide cover when you have extra space (unless you're making a mini-game type map. 3. Interlock EVERYTHING. If you don't, people will be very =(. Keep working on it! BTW, great first map post!
spread around the equipment, show some weapon placement and get rid of th eshilrd doors might want to neaten up a little, your flaoting bridges are kinda crooked may want to show whas in the cornrs of th emap if there isnt anything there you should add a small base or something