The wall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ArcticZander, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. ArcticZander

    ArcticZander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: The wall.
    Multi team game foundry

    The map has taken place in Foundry.
    Because It is my first map I am a little bit nervous about how it will do...
    The map Has 2 bases A giant wall.(all interlocked)
    I hope that the map will be a hit when people check it out.
    DL and try it out. And bring back some feed back :)
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

    -4x Carbine
    -4x Shotguns
    -4x Sniper Rifles
    -4x Beam Rifles
    -4x Battle rifles
    -2x Bubble Shield
    -2x Radar Jammer
    -2x Flare
    -2x Power Drain
    -2x Regenerator
    -2x Trip Mine
    -2x Grav Lift
    -2x Deployable Cover
    -2x Mongeese

    This is the blue Base :)

    This is Red base(Same thing)

    This is the red Equipment spawn and Flag capture spot.

    Same as red but for the blue team.

    Bomb spawn point with get away mongeese :)

    OverView Of Map

    Download Map
  2. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    You made it with too much equitmen. Spread it out. Other than that 3/5. I may or may not DL.
  3. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Welcome to the world of Forgehub posting!
    This is a good map, for a new user that is. I have always like these concepts and I will continue to like them. A few things you might get nagged for though, is the lack of cover and your use of an "armory". Other than that it looks like a fun map. When my fileshare has a spot I will try it out and report back to you.

  4. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    At the first pic I thought, "this map actually looks pretty good!" After that, the other pics made the map look like crap. Armory's, uneven walls, walls you can easily jump over, I have a feeling you didn't use unlimited money. Sorry, but this deserves a 2/5.
  5. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Not bad for a first map, but try looking around and getting a good idea of tips and tricks to forging.

    1. Never use an armory- people will hate this, as they don't make for very balanced gameplay.

    2. Always provide cover when you have extra space (unless you're making a mini-game type map.

    3. Interlock EVERYTHING. If you don't, people will be very =(.

    Keep working on it! BTW, great first map post!
  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    spread around the equipment, show some weapon placement and get rid of th eshilrd doors
    might want to neaten up a little, your flaoting bridges are kinda crooked
    may want to show whas in the cornrs of th emap
    if there isnt anything there you should add a small base or something
  7. shifty123

    shifty123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    way to much equipment in that one spot but other than that good job 3/5

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