Download FISSURE Fissure is my fourth map ever, first posted on FH. (I usually post them to my own website, go there to see more) It does not use the budget glitch, so I did make a separate version for MM entry. It is excellent for CTF and Team Slayer, and plays "big:" using the entire map, and suiting 5v5 or 6v6. (Squad Battle anyone?) Fissure is extremely unique. It has bridge "hills" used for cover, and to make a unique terrain. It was, in a way, inspired by Draw the Line's Gridlocked, because it uses the entire map and Warthogs to suit a large amount of people. It is asymmetrical in the sense that the sides are different in appearance, but the sides are perfectly balanced. In the bases are a Warthog, a Chopper, and two Plasma Grenades. Anyways, there is one large wall looming over the map, dividing the two sides, but that wall soon becomes penetrable. This map has been tested and updated several times, and if something has changed since these screenshots, I will tell you. In all the screenshots, captions are below the corresponding screenshot. If you actually read these three paragraphs, post your reply in (Parentheses.) Yep, that's a test. Recommended Gametypes: - Multi Flag - Team Slayer - Assault - Neutral Assault - Custom Variant (BEST): Fissure Flag (DL) A semi-overview, showing the middle wall dividing the field. The only way to ever get over this wall is with a grav lift (One per team, long respawn). Update: machine gun turrets no longer on map, and the inner section of the wall has one more layer. A view of one side. The sides are evenly matched, yet asymmetrical, to suit both CTF, One Flag, and Slayer. The other side. Update: both fence bridges are now flat and smoothly interlocked. The upper one would allow you to get over the wall at will, so it is now flat. A view of one Sniper Tower. The Sniper Towers are a perfect example of how an asymmetrical map can be perfectly balanced. Update: both Sniper Towers have one fusion coil inside to nullify them a little. The other Sniper Tower. Both Sniper Rifles have 1 spare clip and a 45 second respawn. Please download and give feedback. If you play this map, you will love it. Guaranteed.
"Hey, I downloaded and I'll test it out after church, I'll edit this post on what I think of it, so far looks a little empty in some areas, but I think it'd be pretty fun. I'll read your description and play it to its standards. Here's my review on Fissure, I played on your map and thought it was pretty good, here's an honest review of what I thought of the map IMO, and what I suggest you should change: Enjoyment: 6/10. This map was fun, and crazy, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Mainly that when you're messing around, and a map has a lot of spawn killing, etc, you don't really care. But, when other players play your map, they usually are doing it for the competitive game play. And, the majority of players like competitive maps that take positions and advancing on the map. Your map's platforms/mini bases, didn't really apply to any of the game play. (It was mainly just running around on the 1st floor of Foundry.) A way to fix this is to make the bases larger, or you could just add in more edges and catwalks that give players an advantage over other players, so people would use them. Aesthetics: 7/10. This map's center piece, or wall, is the only thing that really made me want to download this map in the first place. It gave me an Avalanche, or Longest feeling. That's good but having a nice piece like that, and then just some normal/original bases on the other parts of the map, makes the normal bases look like crap. I didn't check, but it didn't seem you wouldn't have hit your item limit yet, so you could have added some extra flare to them, to make the aesthetics on the map balanced. Game Play: 6/10. IMPORTANT: The ONLY reason I took off this many points for player game play, was that you recommended a 5v5 or 6v6 for the recommended player amount. This is way off. It should be 4v4 at the max. The reason for this is, the maps main two sides only consist of 2 stories, the 1st Foundry floor, and the tops of your bases, the 2nd levels. This allows players to mostly be able to see each other from everywhere on the map, causing many "I JUS G0T TR1PL3 BR3D, I H4T3 TH1S M4P!". What many good forgers do to resolve this problem is, add very high towers in various parts of the map, so that it blocks off views from different areas of the map. Also, you could just add B/A signs, a single box open, another base, etc, just to make it so that getting triple BR/ed, isn't a possibility. Just mainly, test a map and get feedback from other people on player amount, so that when people test your map, they don't get a bad impression off of getting spawn killed, etc. Layout: 8/10. I don't think how your bases look or the amount of spaced used in Foundry is a problem. Using almost all of Foundry makes the game play flow a lot better, but still, cover is needed. The map's overall layout is unique and reminds me of other maps from the Halo Trilogy. But even if the map is one of the biggest on Foundry, you still can get spawn killed/trapped, and "Tr1Pl3 BR3D". What I think you should change to raise the ratings on this map: 1. Make a version 2 and change your thread title, with some of these suggested changes. 2. Add more cover, or a mini base in the south area of Foundry. 3. Make some of the bases taller, to prevent getting multi killed. 4. If you're going to add vehicles, only add one vehicle, unless it's a mongoose. 5. Add more cool and unique aesthetics to the map, such as the bridge ramps/hills. The overall score of this map is a 7.5/10. Keep up the great work, you've got a great potential for forge. Maybe next time test your map out a little more, even if you just are tired of dealing with it, and you want to get it posted already. Hopefully you can fix whatever you like on the map and not take my review in a bad way. I didn't mean to make your map look bad, I just wanted to tell you what you could do to make it better. Thanks for the map, hope you can get some more D/L's."
Wow i really like the look of the 2 stairs merged like that , i really like that feature and would love to see that agian, also i like the ramps you have put in , next to the stair platform , is there any vec's such as a mongoose to use on these? oh i see the vec's now , how did i miss them , i think they look like they could be too overpowering, maybe a mongoose at either side would play better? but i would give this 4/5
I knew I was forgetting something; recommended gametypes (And Custom Variant Fissure Flag) added. EDIT: ForgeDesigner, there is a Warthog and Chopper. I recommend you read the description.
The idea of using 12 bridges throughout the map is very creative. I just think this map needs more cover, in the areas where it's open, add a scalable A or B sign. Overall, you used some new ideas so I like that, 4.5/5. Keep up the forge juice!
Thanks. You'd be surprised with the cover: because of the size used, and the walls that divide the map, you actually do have a good deal of cover.
I must say, great map dude. I love the double boxes how they are shaped, sort of curved in a way. I downloaded just so I could see it up close. Anyways, good job, 5/5.
The curved middle wall looks like it would well divide the two parts of the map out of each other, though is there a hole in there? Because else the gameplay would be very havy, having to go to the same way everytime to kill the other team. Though it does stops camping in the bases, which is very good, I also like the towers which give you an extra feature for some great kills. It's also very good how you used the back part of Foundry like never before, though it looks a bit open in there and some other places at the other side of the map. You could make some improvements in the Interlocking with Fence Walls and Double Boxes with just lowering them, then quit and save, for me that works the best. Also you could Geo Merge in some spots, but I don't see that as a real problem. The gameplay could be made better with a few tips of me. I'm not sure I like the way how it is. Oh and it's also creative that you used a Overshield and some Teleporters instead of the usual. Great map.
(This map looks really fun for squad battles and capture the flag. I was thinking of using the name Fissure too, but I guess you beat me too it! I still might use it though. )
This map is pretty good. A rate 5/5 and a DL. I hope it plays good too, keep up these maps too, they cool.
I saw that the Warthogs are able to go anywhere in the map. Your merging is impeccable, and cover is not an issue though the spacious areas of the map. Great Job. Keep Forging!
Dude i really like the idea and the open spaces do provide an ideal place for big parties... but i think its a little stressed... it has alot of characteristics of good maps but there are too many of them... the center divider looks beautiful but doesnt seem like the gameplay is centered around it enough... its symmetry is very well rounded but it could have a better amount of closer spaces or maybe more than one point of contact between teams... i would suggest that you take some of the ideas you put in this map and move them to their one map... consentrate on them more than you might have in this map... great forging btw and keep it up
Thanks guys. The guy with the last comment on the first page was the only person to actually read the description, which disappoints me.
Hey, I added my review on the map on the front page, if you don't check your previous comments. Thanks, great map. 7.5/10. It's got some great features to it, hope you can get some more downloads. For future people viewing this thread, I hope you can download and play it, it's a lot of fun. GL on a feature H3C x Nevz.
Thanks for the interesting review. The spawns were a problem for you guys? Because I've never once been spawn killed on all the testing I've had, and I've done a lot. It is fairly open, and it was intended to be that way. Land control was supposed to be a large part of the map. I will be making changes, but if I actually used "V2's," this map would be at about V6. It's had lots of changes.
(You've gotta love it when people don't even read the description. I remember downloading this a while back off your GoO portfolio, and I liked what I saw. I remember doing a forgethrough, but I'm going to download it again and come back with a little more feedback. Hopefully we can get some games on here soon.)
Yeah... I can see someone going to their computer going: "Let's see here: Fissure is an asymmetrical - PICS!!!!" Thanks Squidhands, I'd love to get some GoO games on it.
I agree with what TNF said above me. The map would be much better with some more cover and taller buildings. This makes the gameplay better and more interesting. The sniper spawns looks pretty awesome with the grav lift and the geomerging boxes to the the wall. I will download and give you a review as soon as i can. -TheDarkKnight05
Thanks, but really, cover isn't an issue. If you engage in a 1v1 BR battle, you won't be able to run away from it, yes in that way it is isolated. But if you need to heal, there are plenty enough places to rest, and it plays even better without radar.