sure ill put more pics up wen i get my next chance. but ill explain wat u asked too. the portal above lift is to get back down to bottom lift. the man cannons get u up lift faster and put u in the middle of top lift. the sheild doors just cover the stairs so u can nade up as well as down them. feel free to ask q's and send me a FR. GT: iPELE
Something you could do is put side by side pics that show how you fixed the stuff. That would make it easy for everyone. It might take a bit for you to do but..... Please comment me back or better yet, send a PM. I might be able to help.
k man. this map isnt good because you have so much stuff you can use to add on to the map but all you have done is put barriers on the top of each opening and some like telelift where the lift is supose to be whats the difference sorry but this map isnt very good and thought out. i dont mean to put you down but try adding on to the map to make it better i love blackout maps. 2/5
It's pretty simple. I like the ledges above the doors. These are some nice adjustments, however simple they may be.
instead of calling it MLG blackout why didnt you just call it lockout. MLG has its own version of blackout already. if you go to the MLG gametypes fileshare you can download it there. they dont use it in events however. because the spawns still are all messed up.
Owned! Now he did deserve that! And I saw the pics, it's a pretty good map, offering more cover and the barriers over the doors is a pretty cool idea, but it would probably account for a lot of assassinations. 3.5/5 because you tried
How does the life work? to go down do you use the teleport or do the man cannons push u down? otherwise good map I have a map that has the super jump that i Havent posted yet, but i think i will soon