Crossfire crossfire is an infection game on the pit. humans start out with many advantages, but as the game progresses the zombies will become overwhelming. some of the human advantages are a sniper rifle, spartan laser, and a well fortified tower acsessed in three ways. the zombies also have many advantage. they include every piece of equiptment in the game and a ghost (180 seconds). This screenshot shows you one of the humans many advantages. this barreir base is positioned so that the spartan laser found on the middle short barrier can be used for blasting zombie veichals as they round the corner by the sword room. the weapon holders on the two tall ones and on the outside of the outer barriers make it very hard to move or destroy. Also this is the first way into the sniper tower. You jump on one of the smaller barriers then the tall ones and then you can jump through the window of the sniper tower. these sre two screenshots of the sniper tower. notice from left to right a regenarator (snipers best friend), Sniper rifle (good for killing zombies at a distance), 8 Assult Rifles (amazing when used correctly), 6 Battle Rifles (ideal for long range when you can not get your hands on a sniper rifle), and two plasma grenades. these are the only grenades on the map so don't waste them (seeing as they have a 45 second repawn). One more thing about this photo is the imovable barriers by both windows these limit the size of the snipers view which makes the zombies harder to kill. (you can still get through by both windows though) This is a screenshot of the gravity liftwhich is used by both the humans and the zombies to acsess the sniper tower. The gravity lift is instantly respawning so dont try to shoot it to delay the humans. The ledge in which you land on makes a great sniper perch so don't expect to get up easily this way. This screen shows the human mongoose which is used best when making some speedy escapes that could keep you alive a little longer. Also notice the reciver nodes around the entrance to the "garage". These teleporters hold imovable crates that spawn 180 seconds into the game. Also notice the pices of fusion coil on the ground. (this will be discussed later) These are the zombies vechals. Note: a ghost spawns in the front of the mongooses after 180 seconds. the mongooses can be excellent for going from one side of the map to the other in no time at all. This place also serves as the zombies spawn point. Notice the line of equiptment further down the path. let's look more closely at that. the gametype zombie raid at the end of the thread alows zombies to pick up weapons It is ideal that the zombies use the equiptment to distract or trick the humans into death. EX: flares are a great way to blind the enemy while you kill them. EX: gravity lifts are an easy way to create another way in the sniper tower. tossind a power drainer in the towr before entering could get you a few kills. nothing really interesting about this pic i just closed on side of the map of so that the zombies job is not to easy. NOTE: you can get through as a zombie by using you gravity hammer but the humans will know your coming. Also you cannot take a mongoose this way. I added this part of the map for fun. Zombies are able to get in because of their increased speed and bubble shield. humans are not fast enough but it is possible that the humans get in by using a bubble shield. once you get inside though the goodies are yours. Fuel Rod Cannons, Rocket Launchers, Gravity Hammers, Energy Swords, Brute Shots, Maulers, and A FLAMETHROWER!!!! Download crossfire link- download zombie raid : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing please leave feedback and what you thinj should be changed to make it better because i expect to make a version two in the near future. and don't have too harsh comments because this is my first map and it is on a very hard forging map. Okay I fixed The pictures!!!!!
Your post is not up to standards. You must embed your pics. Thats all you have to fix though. Use photobucket or imageshack.
Unfortunately, you cannot link your pics to bungie. You will have to download the pics, got to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket, sign up, access your album, upload the images and link them from there. If you still can't figure out how to fix them feel free to send me a PM. From the description it sounds pretty cool. I can't download right now because I don't have my xbox but when I get it back I will.
yah but also, to upload to photobucket, you need to right click on the picture that you see on your fileshare, save them all to your computer, change their name so you know which ones they are, then upload them onto photobucket
To learn how to embed your pictures, go to the tutorials section. It has a section on it. It seems like a good map. All you have to do is put in pictures.
He has his photos up. Um, the map looks ok, nothing too special about it. Some things are very sloppy that could use some improvement. If you fix these things, then I may download your V2. For now, 3.5/5, could use some improvement.
Nice map, but pictures are very blurry. like other said, you need to go to phot bucket or something. Well when you go to photobucket and sign up, there is alot of steps you need to go through here it is:Pics embeding tutorial