Do you have a place where your untouchable with a sniper? Are you hunting a uber sniping place on a certian map? Well here's your place to disscuss them,talk about anything sniper related,from why is the pipes on rats nest such a good sniper nest,to how to get to [insert place here]. I'll start,where's a good sniper place on high ground(besides the trees and tower)
On narrows, there is a little location that some people use in the bases where they are hard to see with a great view of people below.
Too bad every1 knows about it. I'll post my spots for the following maps: Last Resort - The ramp leading up from Camp Froman, there is a piece of metal sticking out of it that you can jump on and alot of people don't know about it. There is the seawall too but every1 should know about it by now. The Pit - Top of the sniper tower, I know it's incredibly easy to get to but its the greatest spot with a regen respawning every 60 seconds all you need is the sniper and br or sword instead of sniper I got 2 perfections like this. Gaurdian - Oversheild spawn great spot heard to sneak up and if your good you can murder the people coming from the mancannon. Sandtrap - Top of the hill, side without phantom, its the tallest dune great cover too and bring stickies people will bumrush at you once they know your there. Valhala - Once you control the middle its the greatest sniping spot because people will try to go around which pits them far away. + Lasers Avalanche - Where the turrets are because its a good view of the cave and on the light side you can see the splaser spawn too. High Ground - Top of bomb room. Great for 1 flag + ctf too when the gate is open and your also a great defender.
On standoff (I did this in the Weekend Snipers playlist), if your on the side with red base, and everyone on the other team is sniping near their active camo spawn, sneak (not literally) over to the gate area. Sit back and Snipe everyone that hides near their active camo spawn. I got a Running Riot before someone figured out where i was.
Thankes blakemon i'll put those to use.BTW how do you get to the tower( I plasma jump from my friends head and get booted half the time)
When either your team or the opposing team (Valhalla) has the center, go to the Pelican. From there you can either take out the center or pick of the man cannon people.
those steep beams that lead up to the top floor from the big open floor are acually climbable.(great way to get the sword)
On standoff on what I believe is the blue base (cliff side) there are two crates set at an angle to each other. If you are careful you can wedge yourself in there and have some nice cover. The only problem is the more you move the crates to improve your vision the more you are exposed. There are a lot of good spots on this map where, although you have no cover, you are well hidden. For example the gate (mentioned above) and near the cliff are both interesting spots. People rarely look there so you can always get a few kills. As for Narrows, I find this a terrible sniping map other than for no-scopes. Since most of the action happens towards the top of the level it is hard to get a nice high place to snipe. I can sometimes hop ontop of a mancannon and get a few kills off of the people on the main bridge but it isn't much. Usually I end up watching for spawners on the non-mancannon side. For construct I sometimes snipe from the BR spawns near the purple lifts. It gives you a nice view from across the map and you can tell if there is anyone coming up the main life. However, make sure to listen for the purple life and watch your back.
On gardiun you can grav ham jump over the sniper spawn. Thwn theres a little cliff you can stand and snipe on. It is also shawn in the Sniper Training Video for Halo. It helped me alot.
On Ghost town near the mongoose spawn in the area where the plants have overtaken there is a small wall that if you duck will keep you fairly well hidden. It also gives you a nice view of th main building, ground, and sniper spawn.