Ah my favorite map its kinda like a puzzle map and omega jounery put togther + infection. Its a pretty hard map if u are a new to halo so be extra careful but once u figure it out it gets easier. there is traps,wrong turns and zombies chasing your ass. The only advice i can give you is keep moving and dont stop or you will die. Also work togther and dont lose your teamates. Well um this is were humans start and there is already a trap waiting for u. Watch out not every trap is a dumpster ah my favorite part of the journey the saw chamber u got two ways to do this jump over or sacrificing someone. oh yea watch the fusion coils. watch out on this part u could shoot road blocks the wrong way and the dumpsters can fall on u or just mess up. Sorry theres not that many pics but i cant show u everything Interlocking: YES Download map Here Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Game variant Here Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Variant (U better run) the zombies have normal shields so u need to use teamwork u start with a Magnum and a Sword. and watch out u have no shields so dont get to close to a explosion. the zombies can drive and use turrets so good luck! Recommended players: 8-16 players Weapons on map: 1 Brute shot 1 rocket launcher 1 gravity hammer 4 machine turrets 2 covenant turret Vechicles: 1 mongoose 1 wraith plz rate and comment
ya i belive that saw v4 pretty much set the standard for these types of maps, the truck killing you is a new idea, but the overall idea is not. i can't tell much from pics in terms of interlocking, but i should assume you have some. i might have dl'd this if i didn't already have saw v4 on my hardrive, just as a tip before even making a map, lok around forgehub to try to make it as origonal as possible. as for the map, the pics don't show much, but i like these kind of maps, so 3/5
This is pretty awesome man, let me point out what you did right, and wrong. 1. Originality in unoriginality. You took a tried and true concept, Omega Journey, and Added spins to it that completely revamp the gameplay. 2. Puzzles, the saw ideo is pretty ingenious, The barricades and dumpsters idea is pretty amazing, I've never seen it done before. 3. Reverse the odds. Giving the humans no shields and the zombies being stronger than the humans is something I have not seen done to good effect, ever. But it seems to me you pulled it off. However, you need improvement. 1. A learning curve on a map like this is not good. You see how awful newbies are at Omega Journey when they first play it, well, this map redoubles that newbery to a pretty bad extent. If you make it more user friendly it could help. 2. Your most original feat, humans being weaker than zombies (I hate fat Kid), is most certainly going to make this nigh impossible. The one thing I hated about OJ is that it never ended. If you got to the end, you were a god. Awesome work overal. You have some pretty cool concepts creeping up, but only playtime will tell if a V2 is neccessary.
Sweet map, I love how you combined a puzzle maze and omega journey together. The only problem is it could get alittle confusing for nubs you know? Playing this with you though was a blast! This is a map that people need to download, its extremely fun in gameplay.
the pictures arent showing up on mine its saying they have been moved or deleted but still downloading