Thats why They Never Show Master Chief Without The Helmet!!! He Is A Chick... I Wonder If She Is Hot!
he got it from a halo 3 screenshot site, i dont remember what its called, they post stuff about it on bungie all the time though. its not his but it is a funny picture
I think it's just reloading, and then in the middle of the reload action/animation, just throw a grenade.
I got this too man i hope u rn't takin credit 4 it :| i don't think u r tho made me and mah friend laugh nonstop for 10 mins when we saw on a friends fileshare no joke then for 5 mins again i love it and 6/5 how did they get the confeti like that and i think mc died while reloding maybe look at the hipz
It is not photoshoped, I have seen it in alot of peoples fileshares. I personally love the picture though. If you made this, you are amazing.
I love the picture. The pose is awesome with his hand on his hip and the br in the air. The confetti is a nice touch too.