OK some one went mad with the sharpen filter, background dosen't flow to much the sig is going one way and the guy another. Also the black outline is not very good looking the background color throws it off as well. So for your next sig I suggest you try some other things and lay off the sharpen filter.
Ok. Thanks for that. It looked to me like it was over sharpened too, but the friend I made it for said no...
There's a theme going on here :squirrel_shiftyeyes i think its quite cool, but the writing is very hard to see, and there's some random stuff in the corners. ps: .Core, your sig is awesome!!
i think it looks good! kinda looks like it was drawn by hand with old school speed lines. i think if you add thicker lines and a outline on the halo character it would take on a badass cartoon look. i like how the the colors are funky but it just needs a little bit more.
well other than the stuff stated already (do I really need to say it agian) it looks pretty cool... If nothing eles I would change the text make it bigger or a different color to make it easier to read.