it haz to be a conspiracy... no but, i dont understand, theres going to be an update, where you can't play campaign anymore??? or is this a seperate disk or something??? can someone help?????
My brother said they where coming out with a new halo, not halo 4 or wars, but a new one, this may be it))
no, that can't be, look where it says 1.2??? why would they have a new game that is already 1.2 version?? its obviously an upgrade to our 1.1 game, and is your brother stupid? or does he have some super secret insight on bungie that we all dont?
*sighs* They brought a long what is essentially a demo disk for assembly with different backround screens and the au2 installed on it. Not a new game.
My crackpot theory is that mythic is more then a map pack, but a Halo 3.5 if would. It would include a forge update along with that grid map we saw at the end of the latest Bungie video. It would also include new maps of course, but new types of maps, a water map or a space map for instance, maybe even a scarab map. This is just me being hopeful though.
well yah i heard something about a scarab in a map, that could be possible, and a water map is just a dream, no matter how cool it would be
It'd be less work than to get a game of halo 3 and put non-released material on it. Game companies often do this for displays moron. Kaya is right it a way because it says 1.2 at the bottom meaning it may have updates on it we haven't heard about yet. Time will tell.
When they tested the Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard Update, Microsoft distributed demo discs to install it. Thus, it would be reasonable and logical to simply bring a disc to the convention that could easily be burned into multiple copies and played as discs, and not have to have the troubles of updating each Xbox's separate HDDs.
Like some one above me said. They need to make a space map orbiting Earth where you still have limits in which to build, and gravity would still be present, but you could place objects where ever you wanted. Then all the spaceship maps on Avalanche would never be able to comete with the Real spaceship
I don't know where you got your logic from, but I hope it wasn't from my post. Because I did not understand a thing you just said.
Its here in Seattle. I should go take a look before it finishes. Only got one more day to check it out. Perhaps I can bring back some more interesting or useful information.
Even if it isn't a demo disk, it's probably just a retail version of Halo 3 with multiplayer only included. It'll probably only sell for $20-30, unless it contains new and/or exclusive content. And about Bungie saying it's nothing big, they've been known to lie, just keep that in mind.
Now that we've heard your theories, it's time to present the most reasonable one I've heard yet: It's a multiplayer-only build of halo that they bring to conventions, etc. and it says mythic because they're using it to show off the mythic map pack. Why bother having Campaign if you're not going to use it?