This is my first map built from scratch. This is a map where everyone spawns in one room with SMGs (NO Assault Rifles) and the player has to try to escape from the prison. This map is meant for FFA Slayer with SMG spawn weapons (NO Assault Rifles) or can also be play in Juggernaut gametypes. Here's the link for the map and accompanying gametype (FFA Slayer): Map: Prison Break Game Variant: Prison Break Would appreciate any constructive criticism... =)
Read the rules, NO ONE post untill he fixes pics. Since your new no report, read the rules about fixing the pics or the map, and you HAVE TO HAVE atleast one.
a simple way to get your pics it to take them on halo 3 theader and then go to so on so forth of course you should try to put them on you file share it would be easy to get them, then put
Next time you should at least provide a proper link to the map posting rules instead of just saying "Read the rules." Here's a link on how to add screenshots to your post: Now heres a link to a map posting template. It will help make your post look professional: Now here's the official DON'T POST ANYTHING SAYING "ADD PICTURES NAO" thing.
Unfortunatly if this thread is not fixed to meet the standards in 24 hours I'm going to have to lock it. Nobody post anything else about him not having any pictures, its spam and you'll reccieve an infraction for it.
You have to change the title of your thread. You have to keep it just Prison break, nothing else but the name of the map. I understand you are new to FH but there is an announcement thread telling newcomers how to post their maps... Here's the thread