Basketball By: widestoned fo0tl0ngFaNaT1c Ok so some of you may have heard of that sport, Basketball... and if you havent then i suggest you get rid of that rock youve been living under :] I bring basketball from real life and put it into Halo 3!! Now this is how you play: 1 player from the red team and 1 from the blue will start in the middle so you can fight to the death for the ball while everyone else spawns next to the hoop. This is just like how 2 players fight for the ball in the beginning of the game (various times throughout the game) in real basketball. After that everyone on the team must protect the ball carrier when your team has the ball. Traits: Ball Carrier Sheilds:No Gravity:50% Speed:100% Radar:No Camo:No Forced Color:Unchanged Normal Sheilds:No Gravity:75% Speed:100% Radar:No Weapon 1:Energy Sword Weapon 2:None Camo:No Forced Color:Red or Blue Thats pretty much it exept don't cheat and have fun!! SCREENSHOTS Supplies/Guest Seats Both Hoops ACTION SHOTS DUNK!!!!! SPECIAL THANKS To Footlong for helping me MAKE and TEST this map! ________________________________________________________ DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAME
sorry dude but this was made pretty well but is just a remake of basketbomb. have you heard of it? if not then it was a good try at this gametype.
Whoever mentioned this looks like Basketbomb is right, but who cares, doubt he's heard of it. Moving right along. Your wall could use some interlocking to make it look pretty; you have the time. You might want to consider finding something else for a backboard, like a door, or something. I like the seats, they look nice. Overall, good job, tried and true, lacks complete originality, I give you a 3.5/5