THIS MAP WAS INSPIRED BY GEARS OF WAR 2s HOARD MODE NOT SOME OTHER BUNKER THAT IS A DIFFERERNT COLOR. DO YOU THINK YOU CAN SURVIVE THE HOARD? Well do you? There is only one way to find out!!!! But ill let you know whats coming first. In this game the humans start out in a bunker on one end of foundry and start with a BR. You have limited ammo and the goal is to kill the zombies and to stay alive for 5 mins. LETS GET THIS STRAIGHT:YOU DO NOT USE NEEDLERS TO PUSH THE ZOMBIES BACK. Since you have limited ammo I would save the needler untill your one of your partners becomes a zombie(he gets 4x overshields.)The zombies start at the other end and all you have to do is pick them off as they come toward you. Sounds like a walk in valhalla right? Wrong!! The zombie will continue to gain cover and different assests to their disposal and they will become increasingly difficult to kill. If they get into the bunker chances are you will die, if you get lucky and survive because you killed the zombie while he was stabbing your partner, your partner becomes a zombie except he is slow..........and has 4x over shields!! This Gametype revolves around teamwork on both the zombie side and the human side. Aim well and aim together to succeed!!-DeathToll77 Weapons(humans only),cover and equipment will spawn over time so for the sake of the game im not gonna tell you what spawns. Recommended Players:10 (you can tune the ammount of humans and zombies to your liking) Zombie Traits: They are completly normal except they have no shields. Human Traits:Normal The Map when you first start The Human Bunker....Stay away from the windows if the zombies are close!! Use the cover zombies!!! Conserve Ammo!!! You Must Last for 5 mins (unless you edit the time to your liking) The map will eventually look like this. REMEMBER THE NEW COMMENT RULES!!! PLEASE RATE!! DOWNLOAD AND PLAY WITH A GOOD 10 PEOPLE AND THEN TELL ME HOW FUN IT IS!! LEAVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM FOR ME SO I CAN MAKE V2!!! Download Hoard Bunker Download Hoard
I see you made this off Purple Bunker, compared to pruple bunker this isn't so good. But overral I rate 3.9/5. Though I could be wrong about the idea.
WOW!! Someone just downloaded the map and not the gametype........obviously somebody does not care for the forgehub expectations
No need to get angry pal. But I agree with the last guy, this is a rip off of purple buddy. Sorry, I don't like maps that are not original
Yeah dude, im the maker of Purple Bunker. I could care less if yo uwould have just made a map for the game type but making your own game type that dose the same thing is just copying. I really don't care but yeah,
Not particularly aimed at you Blood, but Purple Bunker was not the first time delayed cover and bunker map. It was just the most original, and IMO, the best. Even if you can't kill the zombies. Onto the map at hand. Originality is in question here, but it's okay, just because somebody else did does mean you shouldn't. You should go more into depth about the gametype, the play style and the weapons because frankly, I have no clue how this might play out. Is it a zombie slaughterfest? Or do the undead get their taste for brains satiated? Questions like these creep up now and then. The map looks fine, you have the symmetry pretty well done, but because you use so little of foundry and have so much space, you should consider making it arena style. I give 4/5, because I can. Have a nice day.
I liked the idea of purple bunker and this is JUST like it, so I give this map a 4/5. I like the timed map cover and the "conserve your ammo" idea
To all of you that are saying that this is purple bunker its not. the zombies can actually be killed and if a human dies they become a powerful but slow zombie. THIS IS NOT A GAMETYPE THAT CONSISTS ONLY OF NEEDLERS(LETS MAKE THAT CLEAR JSUT BECAUSE THERE IS A NEEDLER IN THE PICTURE) Ther is only one needler. Ill add more info in the map description.
you=copier. No copy plz. Purp bunk iz coo yu naught. make orignalz mapz plz. Thx lAterz doooood not spAmmzsz
people are going on about this looking like a copy of purple bunker. before that map came out, i saw loads almost exactly like it, and even made two myself i like the ammo conservation idea, and i know from experiance it makes a fun map. not too bad, but if i were you i would get rid of the slow, strong zombies. personally, i think this popular idea is really annoying for the zombie. 4/5