Afterlife by mox rocker The story Years ago the Aztec civilization had a holy temple that contained the gold skulled flag that brought teams power and luck the temple was rumored to be lost until recently it was found. A group of architects recently was sent to explore this site and were slaughtered, now a new more powerful force has been sent to reclaim the golden skull and eliminate all that stand in their way About the Map and Game type This map is based around a steal the treasure from one side of the players and bring it back to your base. On one side there is the Aztec warriors who guard there flag and start off with flame grenades as there temple weapon (in side section of temple which can be reached by the grav lift to the side of the temple or the crate in the front of the side area) . On the other side are the explorers who have a hunting rifle (sniper) in their hunting lodge where they start off at (Top floor of the hunting lodge take the teleporter up). They also have a mongoose which be used to quickly get to a area. The hunting lodge has construction going around it so there is cover in that area. On the sides of the course are the cliffs which provide cover as well as a dart shooter (carbine) also the four giant pillars in the center provide cover while trying to rush enemies. Theres a giant bush like structure where you can hide at the top of. Also there is a edge were a unknown weapon for the current time (mauler). Lastly in between the four pillars is the alter where the boomerang of the gods (fuel rod) is found. Some Pics of map overhead pic 1 Hunters spawn overhead pic 2 Inside where Aztecs spawn (its a little blank but can be used creatively) Sniper spawn Forklift just doing its job bush like structure pickax left behind by researchers sent before. Last minute notes please read this map seemed like something was missing in it for me so if you have any suggestions please let me know all feed back is helpful and sorry if this map isn't as neat as most of my maps are I just got my 360 fixed a little while ago so my forgings off a little bit Gametype- Temple raiders Download Afterlife here
Great interlocking, but why a forklift at a temple lol? Anyway map looks great and playes great too prablably. I rate 5/5 and a DL. Ignore forglift, sorry didn't read good, I see reserchers NVM.
the forklift is there because of the architects sending artifacts back in forth from the temple in crates with using the forklift i guess, and thank you for positive feedback
I was actually impressed by your Interlocking abilities, I feel like a lot of the structures are real, and the pillars look very aesthetically pleasing. However:I think this map is missing something like you said, but as of now i wouldn't make any major changes, all your structures look very nice and tinkering with them could only make that worse, i suggest you try to make this into more of an Aesthetic map and add some Details to the ceiling, like some design made out of walls at the way top, kind of like an Aztec god, but only in halo. Changable: I do suggest you flip use more immovable objects (Take out the stuff near mongoose spawn) and make another More aesthetically pleasing side-piece there. Right now the square building with the side of the boxes look ugly, i say if you have the extra money, go ahead and spend it here, Interlock the bridges down a bit and flip the boxes to make the walls look smooth. Not much is wrong with this map, but some changes can/should be made to make it the best playable map it can be.
I like this map, it has Excallent Merging and a creative idea, i think it could maybe have a little more scenery/cover, because the map is way too wide open. making the sniper a crazy power weapon to ppl who know how to use it and a slap in the face for those who dont
this looks pretty good... has the funky stars that were originated in kentuck tango... has pretty good interlocks... Whats with the last pic? brb with a review
It looks kinda empty , maybe you should put more buildings in the center. Any ways nice map and i realy liked the interlocking maybe a 3.5/5. And add a poll.
I like to general look of your map but I going to suggest a tip on weapon placement. Place the sniper at the entrance to the sniper-building. This way it is not immediately in a primary sniping location and it provides players with a risk to get it (as oppose to being in a well-covered bit of high-ground). Also this prevents one team from controlling the sniper (providing they know the respawn times) for the whole game. By placing it in the open both teams will know when the sniper spawns as opposed to one team timing it from the get-go. I know this isn't much of a problem for just casual games, but when Halo players get serious, this is the type of thing that they get nit-picky about. QUESTION: Can attacker's sneak in the crack (on the sword guy's left) between the box and the wall of Foundry to steal the flag? If so, some geomerging might fix that problem (unless you want to keep it for the sneaky players). The map seems a bit lacking in terms of both cover and weapons. I gather from the description that there is a carbine, mauler, sniper and fuel rod... Not much... The cover that you included is few and far between, try adding some smaller touches as opposed to the massive, dramatic temple look (I realize that's what you were going for but aesthetics can't overrule gameplay) Whoa that's a lot... Digest that for a bit
ok thanks for all the positive feedback especially y35 cause that is gonna really help when i make a v2 but jebus this map does have cover but there actually is a lot of cover depending on the way you attack if you run straight for it you will have little while if you go by the sides you have lots thanks anyway for giving me advice and i will be making sure to geomerge that area so thanks for pointing that out. Also there was a few comments on the sniper being cheap and the sniper spawns every 120 seconds with no extra clips of ammo and I actually put it there to try to prevent spawn killing while the flame grenades respawn fast for the aztec side which can be also used by the hunters if not properly guarded
Wow, the one building in the corner with double boxes bottom out looks pretty sweet. Not perfect, but it made me think of how awesome it would work if you did get it perfect. Like mox said, don't let ascetics overwhelm gameplay. More cover, move the sniper, add more weapons, all things I would have said. Nice work, no rating from me because I haven't played it yet.
The map is good, It has very good interlocking indeed. 4.75/5 The only thing I dont like is how open it is. Try geo-merging boxes, Or even use crates or wire spools. Keep forging.
An interresting theme to the least! The temple weapons are swords and hammers, amirite? The buildings are nicely constructed, and there seems to be a lot of variation in gameplay. The pickaxe is AMAZING! I have no idea of how you did tha¨t, but it is definately original! +rep for that idea!
The pillar things do look a lot like they were inspired by 'power core' but overall this map is a good map, although its not that outstanding. 6/10 o yeah out of 10
The pickax is a built in part of the map in that corner it has rope and stuff added to it and when I put a box over it I was just like wow I have somthing to add to the scenery, Also I added more weapons then just sort of melee weapons because if the flag carrier started to get away you would have no chance of getting him if he was already far ahead