Hey everyone, im Phillip Nelson. I don't like to forge that much anymore, and will rarely post a map. If I don't post right tell me! Also I live in Kuntuky and is 16.
Seems to be working right so far. Welcome to forgehub. If you're concerned about posting right, maybe check the rules. also most forums will have stickies (those are the threads on the top) for you to read so that you can understand the specific rules of that section. and this site isn't all about maps, there is a great community, with events to keep you entertained, or you could just DL maps, or you could get into graphic arts. really whatever you want.
Welcome, sir. And Murdock's right, it's a great community. If you're not posting maps, try helping people out. Whether it be critiquing their maps, answering questions. You know, being a kind citizen. :0