
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by g4m3sl4y3r, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    Hello guys, today im about to introduce the map "SilverShot", it has two simple bases on both sides of the map, it also has a gate wich can be opened to go to the other side, and a main building wich has an way to the other side too. If something is missing/incorrect. please tell me!

    Aaand here are some pictures..


    This is the right part of the map, on the left of this picture, you can see a small base with a huge building in the middle. The building in the middle is the "Main Building". Even farther to your right, you can catch a glimp of the gate i've created as well.

    Me sniping trough the Main Building, one of the great advantages of the fence walls. You can also snipe people who are inside this way, but watch out not to be sniped yourselfe!


    This is the gate, on the right of the red guy there's a small booth containing a switch. The switch (fusion coil) has to be destroyed, using a grenade or shooting. If done that, the gate will open so you can go to the other side!

    This is the Main Building, the teleporter goes INSIDE and on the outside, theres one camo, on the other side there's an overshield. These are only accesable if you're flying or when you take the gravity lifter up to the small ledge and jump over to the camo/overshield

    This is the inside, where the red guy is standing normally spawns the rocket launcher. The teleporters go up a mancannon wich end up ontop of the main building. Where the blue guy is currently being raped.

    This is the map from the spot where the blue guy was in the last picture. He's hiding now, trying to assinate the red guy when he is going up the stairs, back to the teleporters.

    This is the same picture, tooken from the other side. It's for showing you hoow the main building is put together from the inside.. you see? the dumpsters together are making a stairs! :)

    This picture is showing the out-side jumping to the camo, while the blue guy is once again trying to assinate, but later on he forgot the red guy had a radar as well :p

    This is the main building once again, showing you the roof and whats on it. basicly just grenade and two sentinel beams. as well there's a flamethrower...

    This picture is one of the main bases, its next to the main building. This is the one where the other guy stand on when i sniped him at the second picture. he was liek wtf? h4x?

    #1 g4m3sl4y3r, Aug 30, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  2. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Looks pretty nice, the fact that you made the main building of fence and that you can shoot through it add a pretty interesting new element to gameplay. The switch looks pretty neat too. Kinda a bit of open unused space though, however having the hog to drive around helps fill up that space. I'll DL and try it out. So far a 4.5/5
  3. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    I see you can interlock very well. I will rate 4 and I will DL and try. Well I might not because i'm full of maps, but I might delete one. And I hope you make V2
  4. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    You mean v3, this is a recreation of my old version, i recently removed my profile + all of my items (including maps) so lost the map as well, this time.. i rebuild the map in 5 hours, so it can be a bit sloppy, i will try to make a v3 if i get the time for it but i'll be doing other things first!
  5. Enigma™

    Enigma™ Ancient
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    I think it could be a great V2 if you tried. It just seems like the main building and then the little one next to the wall where the warthog is. I think it could be fun for all the CTF and assualt games. I dont like the empty space but like i said, i think you could definitely improve it if you wanted. 4/5.
  6. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    oh yeah, almost forgot to add that! lol.. (to my post, amounts of weapons, where and the gametypes) thanks for reminding me!
  7. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Your map does need to be "Tweaked" in some areas.
    1.The map is too open in the first picture, Try adding stuff like geo-merging boxes and adding crates and wire spools, Thats what I do.
    2. The outside of the house is perfect, The inside is what I don't like. D:
    3. Here's a tip when you are putting down bridges, Flip them upside down for a smooth walk. Know what I mean? ;)
    4. Could you please try adding a weapons list?
    5. Overall rating in my opinion: 3.75/5. Sorry.
    #7 STEClash96, Aug 30, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2008
  8. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    I really like the main building in the center, very well made, and three levels are always nice.
    I have a question, is the gate switch in all gametypes, symmetrical and asymmetrical?
    And the only thing i dont like about it is that there are two warthogs
    maybe move one to a more central location?

    Those sniper base things look great also
    good job i cant wait to see what else you end up making
  9. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    Its all Symmetrical, i don't know where to use Asymmetrical for.. so..
    And thanks, all of you! i'll try to add a weapon list as soon as possible. As well i'm keeping the two warthogs, becouse the space is even becoming more open else.

    EDIT: Edited the weapon list.
  10. GoReMaGoN

    GoReMaGoN Ancient
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    looks like a good map, it be way fun or too serious......seriouly
  11. shifty123

    shifty123 Ancient
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    i like that you used fence walls to make the main build in the center so yo can see and shoot through its also really neat and well forged but i dont see very much interlocking or geo mercging but the ones that are are very neat and well done good job 4/5
    ps i wouldnt play this map for infection no really good hidding places but very good for king of the hill :):):):):) dont like the warthog though
  12. g4m3sl4y3r

    g4m3sl4y3r Ancient
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    Yeah, well the infection part is in the back, where you have the standard foundry spawnpoints. I've barricaded the entrace to the whole of the other map, so the "zombies" need to go trough the tunnel to the other side, where the team can defend against them. (standard foundry spawnpoints location = where shotguns and mongooses are). I found that out myselfe as well, what i like the most on my map is:


    thats my top 3, but i like the rest as well... Its my first map, so just that you guys know it :d If you got any good ideas for me, please share em :D

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