What's the best (or worst) gamertag you've seen on XBL? I'd have to say my favorite was "FatKidsEatCake"
Haha on CoD4... About500Ninjas So it would say "You were killed by About500Ninjas... and You Killed About500Ninjas" Also Aids. "You were Killed by Aids ... You killed AIDS " <---- Made me feel like I accomplished something in my life. Lol. Thinking about changing mine to like Around375Goldfish... Lol... Idk... But I'm gonna change it soon.
the funniest one that i can remember, is ViolatedKitten it was some kid that sounded like he was 5 trash talking and Pw3ning everyone. it was awsome ~mackmack5
on 3/5/2005 i played with 'AFartThatSmells' in Halo 2.... (i was looking at my old stats) And, i don't remember when, but i also played with "urm0mgoes2college" at one point..
i got splattered by "a flying pie" back in halo 2 i also got beat down by a flying pie. lol it was funny. probably had to have been there.
The best one I have seen outside of the like you have been killed by "yo mamma" ones was The Last Mohican. Pretty sick name. If you have heard of the Mohicans or seen the movie, you would understand the bad@$$ness of the name.
I once met "An Hero Box." Were were playing TF2 on 2Fort. I said: "An Hero Box, don't let them steal your iPod- I mean our intelligence." I haven't seen too many other original GTs.