Download map (Don't forget the game-types)I have Reposted the map because there seemed to be I lot I messed up, but it still plays the same. If you have never played a dog-fight game before then welcome to the most fun/ competitive casual game you will ever play. Sandtrap version The shining jewel of the dog-fight, KoTH gametype And two game-types exclusive to the Freezing skies Avalanche map. Dog-Fight CTF Dog-Fight Bomb Video Here A very cool video. A Dog-Fight is usually a "Plane" fight, but through a series of trial and error I have developed the perfect blend between flying vehicles and ground vehicles. Action is fast paced and frantic. Making sure you air vehicles score points is the key to victory. The changes From freezing skies are mostly for looks, but what has changed game-play wise has a significant impact on game-play. First off, both of the scorpion tank cannons have been move forward and flipped around so that it is less likely to shoot yourself or the hornet in front of you. Secondly the hill has been raised to eliminate the hill cheat where you could walk onto a hill and score points. The destructible crate cover in the hill have been enlarged and are now harder to destroy so if you want drop a teammate on one! Finally I edited spawn times on some objects/ vehicles. Every-time I play this game the score (Which can reach the thousands.) Is always very close. When you download this map you will have a very very (says very a few more thousand time and adds F**king every once in awhile)vFun time!...if you have enough people. Small parties aren't as fun. Weapons: Four missile pods (45 second re-spawn and usually just annoying never a problem) One spartan laser (60 second spawn delay) Two Turrets (10 Re-spawn) Equipment: Four Bubble Shields Two Power Drainers Vehicles: Two Hornets Four Bansheese Two Warthogs Six Mongeese Two immovible Scorpion Tanks (60 second spawn delay) Pictures: Base A: Notice how the tank is positioned. Base B Side A: notice the geo-merged boxes ( just there for looks.) Side B: Notice the awesome... everything! New Fancy Spartan Laser Spawn: observe the masterpiece before you kill someone with it! Action shots: Enter the battle Was that me or him? I missed but... He was on that hornet: Triple Kill! The deadliest little Mongoose Ground action A flying Elite? Come on! Humanity wanted that for thousands of years! Wow..... Don't go in there!!! Give me some awesome feedback! Or bad.... booo. Enjoy the game! DON'T FORGET TO RATE AT THE TOP!!!!
OMG!! You did it again!! I downloading, The gameplay on the others were extremely amzing!! 5/5 I love the whole new I dea for the bases, The way you have the tank turned around. It's much better!! I love the 11th screen shot, With the guy on the back of the mongoose and he's lasering a hornet. Sweet!!
sweet map like the immovible tanks and those towers as cover rfor the banshees and hornets but the one thing i dont like is all the missle pod that well take out all the vechals right away but over all 4.5/5
the design of this map has been used but this is slightly different. the main bases are well made and the weapon placment (from what ive seen) seems well placed. the mongeese (or mongooses im not sure) could be used very tacticly is used correctly, as you showed in your pictures. i like how this has a capture the flag varient as well, although predictable for this kind of map atleast it was thought out and not only a slayer varient. my only big question is where do the vehicles spawn? but ill find out once I download the mapand get back to you. all together ill have to say that this map deserves a 8/10. very nice job.
' Thank you for the long descriptive reply, as for your questions... I realize the design isn't the most original thing in the world but the game-play MORE than makes up for it.
Everything I said was wrong in the first one, looks much better now, plasma pistols might be a tad unfair though, also, where do all those rockets come from!?
If you didn't guess yet everybody gets infinite ammo and the plasma pistols rarely hit there mark. Keep moving and you'll be fine. the way u made the bases was incredible does the tank spaw like that oe did u put it like that for the shot?
The tank spawns facing the way it should, but for the pictures sake I got in it and moved the turret backwards.
I love the whole idea and the gameplay is immense but the one thing that I thought was awesome about the Sandtrap Dog Fight Map was all of the cover in the sky. I think that there could be alot more cover then I would have given this a 5/5. 4/5 for now though.
This has waaaaay more than enough originality to get featured. Abso-freaking-loutely awesome! The bases where you housed the vehicles look perfectly smooth and designed. I have wanted to play some kind of dog-fight in Halo 3, but have never had any good ideas. 5/5!
The problem with Avalanche is that the only movable object on the map are the crates and the thing I loved about the sand-trap version was the destructible cover. The middle of the hill where the giant gray outcropping is actually great cover even if it wouldn't be my first choice.
FEATURED!!!! Awesome!!...Now tell that to someone who can feature it, that would be nice...... or someone that gives people Recon. Just kidding! or not...