Purple Reign/Assembly The new map Purple Reign has been tested and made by Bungie. NOT A REMAKE OF MIDSHIP OR FOUNDRY! The Pictures Do you think everyone will make good, new maps of this or like it? Rate how you think this map will be(1-Worst 5-Best). Also this map has no release date yet, I will post when it does. Enjoy the new map Guys! _______________________________________________________________________________ Now I have heard from Bungie(and several other people)that the map name is now Assembly, I did like Purple Reign better thoiugh!
I'm pretty excited about Purple Reign. While I'm disappointed with most of the Forerunner's objects' Forge potential, it'll still be a new playground for us. Glad to see that Bungie is hard at work on this stuff.
Dang, oh well, hopefully that means that their next game is close. Only if it is of quality though, which it probably wouldn't be that great only a year after H3 was released.
I think that Assembly looks beautiful asthetically. It also looks like the gameplay will be different than any maps we have in Halo 3. I have a feeling the gameplay will be a cross between Ascension (I don't know why) and Gemini. No clue why I feel that way, just a feeling I get by looking at the pictures.
I really just want to know what makes it so Hunter-y. They said it had something to do with the skybox.
i dont think its the last one. bungie said that they would be realising more maps than they did for halo 2. now that 7 maps have been released, we are about half way done. but who knows? we gotta wait. also, bungie said they had 3 projects going for halo 3, last week. we will see.
To me, it looked like it was inside High Charity. And like Wakko said, it gives off a feeling of Ascension, although I'd say instead of Gemini, it was mixed with a bit of Construct and Backwash.
Having seen it in actual gameplay the pictures do not give justice to how big and confusing (a good confusing) it is.
I think playing on this will be awesome. I also think it looks like high charity, and that it will play like Construct and Backwash. And why rate it 1/5? I don't think anyone thinks it's that bad...
I'm waiting for more info and I'll add to this, and a release date. And yes if you rated the 1, then you must not want to DL when it is released.
I know that the official name for it now is 'Assembly'. I also know that there is a big gravity lift, just like in construct and it also goes quite high. Very purple too... It looks fun to play on, very arena-like but maybe a little messy. Then again it is a covenant styled level.
Yes, their changing the name around a little bit. It will PRABLABLY be Assembly. Either way I can't wait to DL when it comes out!