My highest score so far is 4090, whats yours? Click here to get seriously addicted. Current high score (for me): 730650
Wow I am so addicted [img width=800 height=500][/img] Sorry the picture is so big, Im not on my apple so I cant make selection screenshot things.
Eh, 1380. I'm not very good. I love how the rabbit survives an amazingly long fall to immediately continue being a cute little Dickens, as opposed to say, dying a messy, bone-protruding death.
2466140 so it possible for a white fluffy bunny to eat your soul?gah bells get tiny later on!
Oh Orisinal. What wondrous games you have for us. If you dudes want a REALLY fun game, check out Avalanche. I'd recommend the tutorial first. You play a lil' marshmallow who's got to avoid the lava by jumping and wall-jumping around the blocks. Super fun.