Rate Mai Sig Thats right, i spelled a word wrong. Oooh. What do you think at my attempty at photoshoppery? What do you like? What could be improved upon? I used this image:
lololol it sucks my balls cuz ur not using my animated one!!! jk alrighty: its good with the tilt , leave it like that, and the text isnt my type....i would switch it to the right side, and leave the gradient going the same direction, color > b & w thats pretty much it! 4/5!
Very nice, the small problem that I have is that I feel it looks too long, but other than that, it's a great image!
I think it looks great... I would say its a 4/5 because although its supposed to be blurry its just a little to blurry for my liking
I'm gonna try not to suck up to you, lots of people automatically say something is amazing if a colored member makes something. It looks okay, quite bland, and maybe not add the effect on the main character, aka the silhouette, it would make it look cooler, also it doesn't look like you change that much, maybe add a c4d set to dodge [if you know what that is, if not pm me] or even just smudge a little bit. Also, edit the colors a wee bit more, it will make it more, how do i say, your own. I like the border up until it like fades out on the left and right side, it just looks odd. The text is cool, but doesn't really fit the sig, try something more tribal, or grunge, to fit the somewhat blurry/grunge effect of the whole sig. I do like how its tilted, that makes it different then a lot of other sigs, also, i do like how you outlined the text, just maybe a different text would be better. All in All, its like a 3/5, but since its one of your first, i'll give it like a high 3, or a low 4.
I did not use a single blur effect. The image is quite low quality, so i used a paint effect to make it look a little more.. how should i say.. deliberate. I did, the original is a completely different colour. I tried to achieve a more 'paradise' style with the writing, which is supposed to reflect the exact opposite of what we know of Far Cry 2. Africa could be referred to as a Paradise, with its lush savannas and vivid landscapes, but what you are show in Far Cry 2 is the exact opposite. The gradient is supposed to be opposite to the image, to show that the text (AKA the font) is completely opposite to the Sig. As the text loses colour, the sig gains colour. The text represents paradise, and the sig represents the opposite, AKA the location of Far Cry 2.
Ish pretty cool, though use a soft brush and erase the ocean ripple where the figure/person is so it's clearer.
Because you have such a distinct boarder, I think the little fadey things on the ends should be removed or should be blended in better. Perhaps, though a little extreme and probably difficult, I think it would look really cool if you "tore apart" your sig similarly to The Dark Knight logo.
I like the effect of it looking like a painting but the fact that the picture is blurry and the border on top is perfectly straight sort of throws it off.
Uhm, its 600 wide, the forum rules are that the max size is 200 x 500 Sorry, but your going to have to infract yourself ;] I'm curious as to how it would look if the man wasn't blurred but the rest was.. Its not bad though, better than any I've made. Which isn't saying much considering I'm very mediocre in the sig making genre. I like it.
Yeah ;[ Quick! what should I say to make this not look like spam?!?! silhouettes are cool (I can't believe I spelled that right) Those fadeout bits on the side.. Could they go?
I know you said you were trying to acheive the paradise fading away thing in the text but it just looks off; Looks like it doesn't go with the flow. I would also recommend changing the font to Lunabar(avaliable at dafont.com)... It's pretty much the same thing, it just looks .... better. 4/5