Well as many of you know i had a sig shop which got quite popular with new members of forgehub .. However some other members liked my sigs too .. For example Killnon2 .. And in the sig shop i had so many people posting saying my sigs are terrible etc .. Most of them say that i just needed more techniques and stuff .. Well i was wondering what could i do to improve? Here is my latest sig :- How can i improve? Thanks for everyone who helps ..
Borders such as yours seem to be just part of the signature. Instead of the end of the signature. Normal text looks very good. Because it appeals to all people. Try to make the render stand out more. Maybe raise or lower the contrast.
Also, try not to rely on brushes. I don't know the last time when I used a brush, other than trying to create a clipping mask with a splatter brush. =/
Defaults for the win, I just make my own brushes if I need to, splatter are not very used in my sigs...
Dude, if he keeps experimenting, he won't expand on different styles. He has to learn first, and then experiment, when he gets better. Right now, he is still a 'newb' as Photoshop. (or GIMP?)
Hey can you post some good tuts here because i search on google and most of them are rubbish and the ones which are good are on photoshop .. And on GIMPtalk i can't find good ones which i can use .. And specific tuts you have used ?
Well I am not the greatest in photoshop but this strategy always works for me; first, fit the render into the sig size you want, then make a gradient tool for the background. Try to match the colors from the gradient tool to the colors of your render, it will add a nice look.(unless your render is bland colors). Then I usually smudge the background so that it flows with the render. Also, another cool effect is duplicating the render right on top of the original render and setting the second one to overlay. It will boost the color of the render. To add texture I usually put in some grungy brushes in the back and smudge those a bit. Then I would probly add a c4d in the background and see how it looks, maybe smudge it to flow with the rest of the background. Then, when the background with all those layers look sexy i add another layer, but make sure that it is #1 in layer order, then i brush around the render a bit and smubge it onto the render so it covers the render up just a slight bit. This makes it look like he is behind the background a little. Finally, one of my favorite things to do is use the "clone stamp" tool using a splatter brush and taking a stamp of the render in a random are, then add the clone of that stamp next to the render, it adds a cool effect: I learned that technique from .Core telling me about the clone stamp, and looking at lockdown's stuff. all of this without looking at a single tutorial. I like finding out stuff myself more it is more satisfying when you make a good sig. If you would like to see any of my work just ask cause alot of my stuff follows this guideline exactly.
Go to Sigtuts.com (sumthing like that that..) Its where i learned how to smudge and what not.... Also try not making your sigs so big... Its easier to fill a smaller area...
Can't find any good ones on Gimptalk? Cereal? Use the tuts that AnythingPink, Conman, Curly haired boy, greentunic, and people like Atyr or people like them make. In the user submitted tutorials. Also, don't use renders. Try using stocks, C4Ds on screen and overlay, and try not to use fractals... As for brushing, and text, use the defualts. On Gimp, Sans is the Effin best.
Fractals are nice if you know how to use them. so start with C4D's and keep working on it then move on to Fractals.
Personally I prefer abstract C4d's but anyway.... The sig looks nice but not great. I would make it less grungy and maybe more foresty. One thing that I did like was your light source works well but your render has a thin black outline which makes it look like a 2d layered picture and kind of loses the depth. Also it doesn't look like you used any C4d's and I think that they usually make the sig better. Also a good place for a couple tuts is tutorialgod.com. They don't have a lot but what they do have is really good and it helps with some more advanced techniques. Other than that I would suggest that you just experiment and continue to post sigs and ask for CnC. It comes in handy quite a bit and other more experianced members are great teachers. But keep up the practice and you'll improve quickly.
Photoshop Tutorials, Flash Tutorials and More! P2L Tutorial Search is fair secks. I like to use my C4D's on Lighten and Linear Dodge (If Gimp has those) Good luck.