Okay so I did a tut and then deviated from it and this is what I got. They are in order of 1st to last. The first one I did with the tut in front of me but the others I did by memory and changed it up a bit. Please tell me which one you like and CnC is also welcome. This is the link to the original tut. For these BG's I just took out the render. Halo Forum Signature Tutorial | Forum Signatures | Tutorialgod Okay for lazy people here is the tutorial out come. I did not make it it is someone elses work! Also if you want one just ask.
2nd, the c4d in the 3rd and 4th looks bad an doesn't go with the sig, and the first one was all tut. Still you shouldn't be sayin you changed it sinc it just looks like you added a c4d to it.