Distraction v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CC Pybus, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Thanks, if you think it deserves a 5/5 could you please rate it that on bungie.net because i have had 2 rating of 1 star from some annoying little kids and its making the map look bad :( thanks.
  2. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    The only problem I have with this map is that the zombies aren't the ones who really kill the humans, the teleporters are. That was a really good idea, but ultimately it does not feel like I, as the zombie, am the one who is killing the humans, because it does not say I killed them nor does it reward me any points. But then again, this game is about survival like you said, not about killing. After all, it is a mini game.
    #22 Sam, Aug 29, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  3. shotgunz

    shotgunz Ancient
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    Looks very fun I'll have to download tomorrow, from the pics it looks great, interlocking, concept, and design all look excellent, very original idea 5/5.
  4. beastness

    beastness Ancient
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    this map is sweet.5/5
  5. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    This Map is amazing!! Well thought out, good description, looks good, the fun level is through the roof!!! 5/5 great job!!!
  6. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, this game does require skill if you want to do well, also the zombie is armed with a BR which will be easier as it sprays three bullets which means you are more likely to hit fusion coil. Also i don't know of a way to makeit count as a zombie kill anyway even if I could I wouldn't as it is a game about survival you gain the points for being the best at keeping alive not shooting.
  7. IcexBullet

    IcexBullet Ancient
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    It seems like the mini-game forum has been suddenly flooded by mediocre maps that are unoriginal, not very fun, and/or badly made. This map really breaks away from that. I loved the first version and I didn't see anything wrong with it but this version makes it even better. Now the humans can't sacrifice each other by breaking the pallets. This does change one of the distractions though from a pistol to firebomb grenades but I think it actually helped the game and brings it back to the main focus of distracting the zombie. You also can't fall through by simply standing on the edge of the pallets, because you put the weapon holders in the middle. Being able to stand in the pit without dying sometimes needed to be fixed and now it's impossible to cheat. Nothing like this has ever been done before so it's a refreshing to play on. The gameplay isn't unbalanced either. Both the humans and the zombie have an equal chance of winning. I don't know how the rating dropped to three stars but this game doesn't deserve that. I think someone went throught the forum and rated everything a 1 if so a mod should take care of that. Anyways a really great map keep forging! =)
  8. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    The zombie has a br? I can't believe I didn't realize that. It would have been much easier if I had known that. Sorry about those comments then. I'll change the comment.
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Lol, wow Sam. Good job skimming though the first post lol

    The game is great, and definately deserevs many downloads. My friends all loved it.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Great game made better. I'll make this short...download it now for graet justice!

  11. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Thanks insane, i'm glad someone thinks it's worth a 5/5 :D For some reason the rating has dropped to three stars from 5, even when the first version was rated a 5. Its really disapointing and i hope it doesn't effect the downloads :( But thanks everone for the great feedback :D
  12. Shadow Heir1

    Shadow Heir1 Ancient
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    I found the same thing :(, my one friend found a way to stall his demise when he falls...something about jumping back and forth.
  13. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Getting hit out of the map is very rare, ive only ever seen it happen once nd ive played the map alot, also jumping back and forth can sometimes help slow your death down but in havnt seen anyone who was able to keep it up for longer than 10 seconds.
  14. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    My friends asked to play the first nonstop, but we could always survive the fall. I also think it was a good idea using the firebomb. Great job!
  15. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I downloaded this and im back with the review:
    When I first fired this up i was the zombie. In my lame attempt to shoot the fusion coils i could not shoot them for like 3 mins. Eventually i found that there is a rythm in which i could shoot the fusion coils and the humans would wake up and fall to their death. After i started to shoot the coils they had a blast(no pun intended.) Being a zombie and looking up toward the coils just to have a ceiling right in your face. So if you were to make a v3 maybe, just maybe you should make another platform next to the fusion coil launcher similar to the human's platform, right next to the launcher. To people who think this map is dull this would fix the aiming, you would not feel uncomfortable looking up, and you implement another platform on the other side of the launcher which will make it so the game/map could support 2 zombies. Personally i think its fine, but if many people are going to like it, unfortunately you have to cooperate with people who want to have fun and not really try hard when playing a mini-game(generally the public.) Also this might give the humans more action(moving/jumping around.) For the record There were no cases of map exiting. I give it 4.5/5 -DeathToll77
    Mace likes this.
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    i think that was only possible in v1, but if you tilt a pallet over, you can stand on that and jump out
  17. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    You can't do that now as there are weapon holders keeping the pallets up right wich means they can only be destroyed not tilted.
  18. Weeden Project

    Weeden Project Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty nice map, definitely give it a try
  19. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Wow thanks for looking this up, the last time someone replyed was in september. When I get sandbox I will make a new epic version, which will be 100% cheatproof and more fun for the humans.

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