Most effective gametypes are slayer and team slayer. LINK TO BUNGIE.NET : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing the link has screenshot and short description The map has a Sniper tower.Also a sniper base above the map. Most things are interlocked. Weapons include brs, carbine,shotgun and more
This isn't up to forgehub standards. You have 24 hours to fix it. you must embed the pics and and give some nice info. NO ONE POST NOW!!!!!!!!!
Well you have to embed pics. So take your screenshot, double click to save, then upload to a site like Photobucket, take the direct link, then put it in the [ img ] link [ /img ] code with no spaces. Any questions, PM me.
The picture still doesnt work, you need imageshack or photobucket account. Learn from some one. cause I can't explain. EDIT : Ok I can see overview, you need more pics, but great interlocking, exept for the roof of the houses. 4/5.
then don't post. ok, click on the group in my sig, and on the second page it explains how to embed pics, if your confused i can do it for you, i'll just need your bnet screenshots page, so send me a link
Everyone else that posts here will be reported by me. This is not a ready map yet, so any negative posts shall be noted and told to the moderators. I am merely informing you all of this.
ok, now that the map has an embed pic, i'll review. From what i see, it looks ok. nice interlocking and stuff... alot of empty open space. add a little more cover, but try to also make it aesthetically nice. again. look... just... alright. but a more detailed description and more pics would be appreciated. the more pics, the more we can see of your map and give you better feedback! from what i see, i'll give you a 3.75/5. keep on forging
good, pics work. ok, this looks like a map made by a forger with, lets say, medium amount of skill, not to good, but it dosn't suck. it does seem a little open, and that one box is open, is it supposed to be like that? looks like if you fix it up a bit it would make a good mlg map, and congrats on actually embeding pics, but more would help show your map better, so i can review it better.
not sure what box ur talken about but i think the ones in the middle, its suppose to be open and so are the other 3 can jump into it and theres a weapon on the inside
irony im gonna test this puppy out. so give me the day but from wut i see. u need to interlock that corner wall better with the other to match the mirrored one on the other side
My problem with this map is the lack of cover on the ground. Around the central structure, there is almost nothing to hide behind. Anyone caught down there trying to maneuver gets ripped up by BR fire from the upper floors. I suggest lying some doors down on their sides down there to help with this. Maybe you could geomerge a corner wall with the ground... Either way, this really hurts the balance of the map. If you make a V2, change this.