
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hadokenchild, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    NEXUS ver 2 - 9/20/08


    Issues resolved in ver 2
    - Fixed spawn issues
    - Fixed weapon respawn rates
    - Balanced power weapons
    - Cleaned up some aesthetics
    - Reduced camping issue atop the center structure
    - Added some minor cover with a few dumpsters and some small barriers

    - Added a geo merged box and interlocked/geo merged fence walls to raise up the grav lift under attackers base

    Nexus is a 3v3 to 6v6 map
    inspired aesthetically by Halo CE. The map has a several paths on either side to each base but the quickest path is right up the gut through the Hamnmer hall. The Rocket Launcher and Brute Shot are located under the archways on either side of the map. The OS is located atop the center structure. The Hammer is in the center tunnel in the middle of the center structure. The Mauler is located at the top platform above the attackers base. The Shotty is located under the grav lift at the defenders base.


    CTF (single and multi)



    Slayer (FFA/Team/4 Team Doubles)

    Assault (One Bomb only)

    Weapons and powerups are as follows:

    Assault Rifle - x4 - 2 clips - 10 sec respawn
    Battle Rifle - x9 - 2 clips - 10 sec respawn
    SMG - x2 - 2 clips - 20 sec respawn
    Rocket Launcher - x1 - 0 clips - 150 sec respawn
    Sniper Rifle - x2 - 1 clip - 120 sec respawn
    Mauler - x1 - 0 clip - 120 sec respawn
    Brute Shot - x1 - 0 clip - 120 sec respawn
    Needler - x1 - 2 clips - 60 sec respawn
    Spiker - x2 - 2 clips - 20 sec respawn
    Plasma Pistol - x2 - 20 sec respawn
    Magnum - x2 - 2 clips - 30 sec respawn
    Plasma Rifle - x2 - 30 second respawn
    Shotgun - x1 - 0 clips - 120 sec respawn
    Carbine - x1 - 2 clips - 60 sec respawn

    Oversheild - x1 - 150 sec respawn

    Power Drain - x1 - 120 sec respawn
    Radar Jammer - x1 - 120 sec respawn

    Frag Grenade - x3 - 10 sec respawn
    Plasma Grenade - x10 - 10 sec respawn

    Fusion Coils - 30 sec respawn

    Aforementioned gametypes supported are configured as normal EXCEPT for Assault.
    The Assault gametype is set to be played like single flag CTF. The Attacking teams bomb spawns inside the defenders base. They have to retrieve the bomb and take it back to their own base for detonation.
    Please rate after downloading and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks.
    #1 Hadokenchild, Aug 30, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2008
    evan12075 likes this.
  2. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Impeccable merging and design! Aesthetically pleasing and excellent. Expect a definite DL from me! Only one suggestion and that is that you don't take your pics in forge. The respawn points don't look so good in the pics.
  3. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Thanks for the positive replies. The hardest parts to do were the geomerged fence box used as the entrance ramp for the attackers base, and the geomerged stairs used as small ramps on the defenders side of sword hall. If you look at the sword pic you can see the stairs interlocked with the double boxes. If you go into Forge and remove the boxes you'll see that the stairs are geomerged into the ground to get them at the right height. Such a pain to do but I think it worked out well.
  4. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    This map really looks different from others, the aesthetics in the sword hall are especially good and I love the whole angular look. The only lay back is the lack of solid structures even though I won't rate it down because that seems to be it's style.

  5. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Wow, way to think out of the box.. I haven't seen at my like this in quite some time. I personally like maps that revolve around the centre. I am going to download and write a more detailed post once I have played on it.
  6. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I'm queuing this right now, and checking it out! If I can get a game on this, I'll come back with a more detailed review, but judging by the pictures it looks outstanding.

    But yeah, as others have said, you don't necessarily need to take all of your pictures in Forge; as the bright blue of the spawn points tends to draw attention away from the map itself. Great job!
  7. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    A good idea for taking screenshots (So we don't see all the spawns, it just looks messier) is going into a game of slayer, giving yourself Good Camo (Base Player Traits) and watching that game in Theater.
  8. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Yeah I didn't want to use these pics but I really didn't want to go back through again and take another full set to transfer to photobucket. I took these to send to some friends so they could see everything and let me know what needed to change. None of my other maps have these kinds of pics as you have all pointed out, kind of makes it look like ass. My apologies for my incalculable laziness lol. Thanks for all your positive comments and ratings btw. Cant wait for a full review.
  9. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Okay. After having done a Forge-through of it, I'm thoroughly impressed. Weapon placement seems a bit iffy, but that's clearly because of your choice of base locations, which when taken into consideration causes the weapon placement to make perfect sense.

    As for general Forge technique usage, I only have one complaint, and that's the flicker of the two topmost open boxes in the center structure. Render flickers really bother me, and if it's possible to fix that it'd be great.

    The map's layout is simply amazing, and though I've yet to play a game on it I know it'll work well. I'll give you a full review when I've finished a few tests of it, which should hopefully be sometime soon. I really like this map!
  10. Mechutu

    Mechutu Ancient
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    You sir have one of the best maps I've seen this side of summer..... the Building in the center should win some type of award for the best structure..... seriosly dude keep up the good and amazing work.
  11. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Link is at the bottom of the initial post. ;)
  12. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Heh, you'd really hate my first ever map... everything flickered, and I didn't know how to stop it...

    Anyways, I'm gonna go fix up one thing I just noticed on Fissure, then take a forgethrough on Nexus here.
  13. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I love the name =D


    But srsly, from the pictures. It looks really sweet.

    I really love the hallway part with the sword and the double boxes leaning inwards. And the walkways around the Center structure are really really nice. The interlocking that I can see is really clean and neat. Some nice geo merging too.

    Im going to Download this.. I usually just browse at maps not really posting in them but I really like this and wish you all the best for future maps!

    Maybe I'll add a more detailed view on it later if I get the chance.
  14. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    First and foremost, excellent interlocking. I can tell you spent days on this, as it is more accurate and flawless than I could ever achieve. The structures themselves are also quite unique. The center structure is especially original. But, speaking of the center structure, this is where my glowing praise of your map ends.
    Not to belittle your efforts, but gameplay > asthetics. Pretty as the center is, it is also gigantic and has very few holes to speak of. As such, it absolutely kills almost every line of sight on this map that could have been. It appears as if the only way to kill someone is if they are in the same area as you (front, back, left, or right). I hope that I am making sense to you in this explanation. Also make sure that you understand that I am not saying to scrap the center as you have it designed altogether, just that I am suggesting that you make it more porus. Because I'm sure you'd agree that It's more important to be able to BR somebody from the other side of the map than to be able to look at something pretty.
    All in all, a 4/5.
  15. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Point understood, and taken. Yes the structure in the center is large and linear on the inside but creates a nice choke point that needs defending. This path is the quick and straight path into the opponents base. With that in mind I designed it for close quarter combat with minimal visual space. The defending team has to support the center path by positioning themselves either around the tunnel opening (opposite to the sword where the three spawns and plasma grenade are) or from the open double boxes. This is an easy defense that should hold against attacks straight up the gut and around the structure's walkways. That is where the open areas under and above the perimeter double boxes becomes important to flank around with BR fire. Remember, it's fun to whip out the shotty and mauler once in a while and make the fights a bit more personal lol. Thanks for the positive comments and the constructive crtitsism as well. Take care man.
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This looks like a very well made map. But I definitely have some suggestions.
    1. I think you spent almost all of your focus on the center portion of your map. In the little hallways, there is little cover, so a BR or sniper would own in there. I suggest putting some more cover there.
    2. There are a few too many power weapons. I see a rocket, two snipers, and 2 shotties. That isn't way too many, but I would rethink what you did there.
    3. Damn, can't come up with 3. This map is just to 1337!
  17. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I have a weapons list in the beginning post. I also have a Brute Shot and 2 Maulers. Just FYI cus I know you meant well.
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map is a possible feature! I see some beautiful interlocking, some awesome design of cover (the use of corner walls that are bent at a very unique angle), great consideration of cover (there are dumpsters and crates everywhere for cover), and a great centerpiece for epic battles. My only helpful comment for improvement would be to flip and merge the single box at the defenders base so you can have jumping access. 4.9/5.
  19. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Thanks for the positive feedback it's much appreciated. About those single boxes, those were the very last things I put on the map, and therefore had 0 money to geomerge with. I used to have a single corner wall turned sideways to make a small hall covering the open boxes that are in the seperation wall. I really needed a way to get up to that level without having to use the gravlift or the ramps at the side. So by hopping onto the dumpster you can hop onto the box then up to the base.
  20. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    This reminds me of halo:ce for some reason. That's why I like it. I think the middle part and the west and east parts of the map look really cool. The map has a very unique design, and is very original. This would be so awesome with a MLG layout! I also think this deserves to be featured. A very good map! 5/5

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