Hi. My name is Sampson and I'm about to take you on a map-tastical adventure. Warehouse Image by Sweeny Map Introduction: In the beginning of the year 2008, the RRoD struck my friend. In his 360’s sickness, I borrowed Call of Duty 4 from him. I fell in love with it. In the month he had RRoD and I had CoD 4, I had beaten the Single Player multiple times and had gotten to level 55 in multiplayer (I never wanted to do Prestige). I became great at the game. I had more online time in the month I had it than my friend had in the months he had. However, you guys can guess the rest. I had to return the game to my friend. However a week or so later I borrowed another copy from a different friend. And I had that copy for a few months. In the end, I was left with no CoD 4. So I returned to a game long forgotten, Halo 3. Halo 3 is still a great game, in many opinions better. And as much as I loved the fast paced action of Halo 3, I longed for the tactical play of CoD. So in an attempt to rebuild it on Halo 3 (something most of us have tried) I built a Foundry map. This map was to have the scenic look of a warehouse, and have plenty of cover. Back then, I didn’t know any forging techniques other than putting an object down on the map (looking for forging techniques and finding Forging 101 was how I found ForgeHub). So I built a map that played well and still had some scenic touches without any interlocking or geo-merging. A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out my custom files since I had run out of space again, and also I was looking for something to do that wasn’t Matchmaking. But no one was online so I decided to Forge. But all my current projects were going to take effort, something I seldom use. So I decided to take this map that was already built and update it. I didn’t wanna kill the current feel, so I just added objects and weapons and did a lot of moving to make the map more balanced. It still only has one geo-merge and no interlocking. Finally it was done, and I did a few tests, and so now it’s read to post. Map Description: The map Warehouse may look like default Foundry the first glance. It doesn’t seem to have any changes. However upon playing it, you’ll notice a very different feel. The weapon and equipment were carefully selected and placed. The crates and walls and objects in the Warehouse provide precious cover for the player to try to avoid the incoming hail of ammunition. One team spawns in the back area with the hallway and room, with access to the other side of that back area. The second team spawns on the far side of the larger area. The rest of the area of the map is a neutral playing field, no man’s land, and where most of the battle should play out. Map Story: After the Covenant occupation of Earth, this small warehouse in Voi was abandoned. Now the battle still rages heavily as teams of players meaninglessly kill each other. *SWAT: After the Covenant was defeated, a small group of drug dealers seized this warehouse as a place to keep their wares. Little did they know, but a well trained SWAT team was on their way to apprehend these criminals. Supported Game types: All default game types (note: this isn’t limited to just the basic variants, for example it doesn’t just support VIP, it supports Influential VIP, Escort, etc) are supported on this map, as well as SWAT and paintball game types. However it plays better with Slayer game types and variants. Some objective game types aren’t as well set up as others, though. Weapons, Equipment, Vehicles: 1 Rocket Launcher ~8 Battle Rifles 2 Shotguns 2 Sniper Rifles 4 Fragmentation Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades 2 Regenerators 1 Flare 1 Power Drain (Asymmetrical only) 1 Mongoose (Not accessible, just scenic) Side Notes: This is an estimated list. I’m not sure of the exact numbers, or if I missed anything. Also there are a small number of tweaks in the weapons and equipment for asymmetrical maps. Pictures: Overviews Action Shots: Dual SMGs Pwn... But sometimes they get awkward Cover: A smart idea Skydiving: Bring a friend Into the fire. BTW, Sampson always wins Download Warehouse (today!) Note: Special thanks to the Testers Guild for helping me with the map and testing.
That may be your opinion, but you have to read through the description (at least) to understand the map. Your post count might be important, but I hate spam.
WOW i love this post it is well the SMG 2 pic is well good as for the map i think it would be really good on swat well done on making this map cause iit is epic
thank you. yes, this map is quite good for swat because of the cover and such, but really any slayer variant is good. FFA is best for 4 or less people (maybe 5 or 6, but that's sorta pushing it), and team slayer for 6-8 people. Most tactical game variants should work well on this map.
Sorry man I didnt mean to do that. I'll try that map out but can you please give me my good rep back?
This map seems to be lacking vertical cover. It looks like if you get on top of the boxes, you have no cover. I suppose this is good, but it also means that anyone that can be seen from the top of the boxes has no cover. Perhaps add some more walls on top of the map near the center? Though it might just be that I cant tell as the some parts of the map are not shown in the pictures.
Well, This map looks a lot like the original Foundry. Sorry but no download from me, 4/5 Is there any interlocking? I can't see any from the pictures? Or even Geo-Merging?
A good map does not NEED interlocking or geo merging. And so what if it looks just like foundry? It's still an excellent slayer map. 5/5.
A really good map made without the advanced forging tecniques! A lot of cover, a good layout and it seems to play great for tactical objective games and/or slayer games. You pulled the warehouse thing off pretty good, it reminds me of a warehouse. Good job Murdock!
This is one epic post murdock, nice story in the beginning. I think this should be the new default foundry because it is awesometacular...no joke.
swat would be a ton of fun here in my opinion swat maps dont need to be elaboratly interlocked and merged they just need to be neat,clean and have a *****-load of cover. this map fits all those criteria. therefore i deem this map acceptable as an efficient SWAT map. as for the other gametypes the weapon layout is fairly well done and this will make for some epic gameplay 4/5 my friend...4...out..of....5
I'm not seeing anything in your post about LMMC, but It's understandable you know how to interlock by 950 posts. Looks like the game play would be alright, but there aren't any real bases. Kind of just boxes like in Foundry. 3/5.
Please read the first post. Everything you said there was unnecessary. I already said it looks like default Foundry on first glance. And I said that there is no interlocking and only one geomerge because it was absolutely necessary. And the person below you is right, a great map does not need interlocking. The use of advanced forging techniques shouldn't be used to show off you know how to use them, because once you know them, it's pretty simple. The techniques should be strictly for getting the right shape or smoothness you need, if there is a small object between you and your perfect shape. I know how to interlock. It wasn't necessary. Please no further spam. And thank you if you gave feedback or suggestions