Most Halo sigs I make they suck because usually they don't turn out well. I thought this one turned out alright but it's missing so much, something that parts it from my Transformers one. =/
Needs some blending, some more lighting, and the render is way too low in contrast for the BG. Brighten the render, and it will look awesome.
I'll take that to thought. Will do when I get up in the morning, I'm gunna head off to bed now. I thought people would say blending. Lighting, I will do aswell.
Its very nice, it has a covenant sort of theme. Like an epitaph theme. Great placement of the stock, the colours used suit perfectly. Like a space/epitaph theme. I love that style of colour scheme and I feel you've pulled it off wonderfully. I think its better that alright, its very classy and professional looking. Its more than a stock with a background and text, it flows very well.
Why thankwa. I chose those colours, because with pink and such, I can't pull it off that well, but cyan went with everything else. I'll be fixing it in the morning.
What's there to fix? it looks great as is. I've got JAYc sitting next to me (forging) and he loves it.
I totally agree! I think its pretty perfect as it is .. However most people say my sigs need blending and stuff so im no good at that but i love it .. Great job! =]
Thanks peeps, I thought it needed fixing (So does Core) because of the chief's colour, he used to be red and I used him for a blue background, so it doesn't exactly fit, so I'll do a V2. EDIT: V2.
Pretty tight. I like it better than the one in your signature because its the bottem is transformers. And I don't like transformer, so yea, thats just what I think.