For a game that was in development for several years, I was disappointed when playing it. I gotta say, the weapons and armor permutations were cool, but is that it? I really got pissed off with the camera angle, it kept leading me to my death. But this game was like GTA4, the beginning was bullshit. Except in Too Human, only the ending was partially exciting. I think a sequel would be awesome if they worked out all the kinks, but this one was bad. Any comments?
i was wondering did they even TEST THIS GAME or did they just make it throw ina bunch of awsome sounding featres but when you play it your like WTF IS THIS??!?!!! this game is the reason why i wait for game ratings to come out before i get a game EDIT: yes it was a disappointment
yeah i played the demo and hated the camera and was disappointed with the fighting system. could have been made better.
Yeah, the fighting mechanics was hard to enjoy, especially when the bio engineer class was the only class you could heal with, yet he sucked so big hairy balls. P.S. Selena Goez is hot.
yeah that was really annoying. i hated the bioengineer. i did really like the weapons and armor though. p.s. i know
i didnt spend any money, i just played the demo. im gonna get it when its like thirty bucks. this is my cavalier post!
I thought it was kind of a disappointment. The interface just wasn't as awesome as I had expected for Too Human.
It's too repetitive. That's why it sucks. Infinite ammo makes it easy to become bored. Also, Infinite lives isn't good as well. The camera angles aren't controllable. There is almost no aiming. All of that completely wipes it out of my wishlist. I haven't even bought the demo. My friend usually gets a bunch of games, tries them out, then either places them in a big stack of games he doesn't play, or continues playing it. He has played a little of the demo, and I watched out of complete boredom. I knew that would be it basically. When he got the game, after a few missions, he knew it would suck. Yes, it is a disapointment.
I thought the game was actually kinda game, judging from the demo. But i have to actually purchase the game to find out...
I played the demo expecting to be disappointed, and was, for the first time I tried anyway. I played it through a second time to see what the other peices of the unique Dragon armour looked like and somehow fell in love with it. Yes the camera angle sucks, yes it's repetitive and yes, the death animation is faaaar too long; but there's just something about the game that enthralls me. I must have played the demo through about six times with the Champion class alone and once I found out about being able to play the other classes my "amount of times demo played" total skyrocketed to at least 15 full playthroughs. If a game can impress me to play through a demo that many times, purchasing the game is a very logical next step.
I played the demo. Longest demo ever. I realized it wasn't that good then, happy I didn't get it in the end. Camera was my demise.
Yeah, that's funny, he didn't want to play again. But I don't get the part where he didn't record with sound.
Its a disappointment? Like two of my friends got it and they are playing it all the time .. I don't think that they think its a disappointment .. Well i'll dl the demo and see for myself =]
Well, it is a disappointment. You know how high the expectations were for this game? It's just one of those games that couldn't love up to the hipe.
I was interested a bit but after looking at it in a few videos, I thought it was like the xbox360 version of superman, it sucked.